#VRML V2.0 utf8 EXTERNPROTO Vista [ exposedField SFString type exposedField MFNode texture exposedField MFVec2f vFov exposedField MFVec2f hFov exposedField SFVec2f pitchRange exposedField SFVec2f yawRange exposedField SFVec2f zoomRange exposedField MFColor groundColor exposedField MFFloat groundRange exposedField MFColor skyColor exposedField MFFloat skyRange exposedField MFNode children eventOut SFVec2f clickPt eventOut SFVec2f overPt eventOut SFBool isBound eventIn SFBool set_bind ] "http://www.livepicture.com/proto/vistaproto15.wrl#Vista" NavigationInfo { type "EXAMINE" avatarSize [ 0, 0, 0 ] headlight TRUE } Cursor { name "CURS_LINK" clickPoint [7, 1] texture ImageTexture { url "curs_link.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "CURS_URL" clickPoint [4, 1] texture ImageTexture { url "curs_url.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "PANIMAGE" clickPoint [3,0] texture ImageTexture { url ":FPX Viewer:pancursor.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "PANDOWN" clickPoint [3,0] texture ImageTexture { url ":FPX Viewer:pancursordown.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "ZOOMIN" clickPoint [6,6] texture ImageTexture { url ":FPX Viewer:zoomincursor.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Cursor { name "ZOOMOUT" clickPoint [6,6] texture ImageTexture { url ":FPX Viewer:zoomoutcursor.gif" chromaKey 1 0 0 } } Script { field SFFloat startZoom 0.436332 field SFVec3f startView 0.000000 3.141593 0 url "vrmlscript: function initialize() { browser.setFOV(startZoom); browser.setOrientation(startView); } " } DEF kreissaal Vista { type "CYLINDER" texture ImageTexture { url "kreissaal.jpg" } vFov -0.434 0.434 pitchRange -0.434 0.434 hFov 0.000 0.000 yawRange 0.000 0.000 zoomRange 0.000 1.571 children [ DEF kreissaal_geldschein_switch Switch { whichChoice 1 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet { ccw TRUE coord Coordinate { point [ -9.503712 -1.078652 3.118556, -9.900051 -1.081005 1.912135, -9.805222 -0.394206 1.881018, -9.408882 -0.391854 3.087439 ] } texCoord TextureCoordinate { point [ 0 0, 1 0, 1 1, 0 1 ] } coordIndex [ 0, 1, 2, 3, -1 ] } appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 1 1 specularColor 0 0 0 emissiveColor 1 1 1 } texture ImageTexture { url "" } } } ] } ] } ] } DEF kreissaal_switch Switch { whichChoice 1 choice [ Group {}, Group { children [ ] } ] } DEF kreissaal_activator Script { eventIn SFBool activate eventOut SFInt32 switchControl url "vrmlscript: function activate(value, timestamp) { if (value) switchControl = 1; else switchControl = 0; } " ROUTE kreissaal.isBound TO kreissaal_activator.activate ROUTE kreissaal_activator.switchControl TO kreissaal_switch.set_whichChoice }