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erste DTD-Version

Dies ist die erste, unvollstaendige Version, die zur Zeit nicht
hinreichend kommentiert ist. Bei Rueckragen meldet euch bei uns.
<!-- Hallooooo liebe Leute, hier kommt die ultimative DTD-Datei von den drei Kameraden  -->
              <!--       Markus       Claudia     Ingrid            -->

<!ENTITY % Boolean 	"(true|false|0|1)">     <!-- Boolean    -->
<!ENTITY % UByte 	"CDATA"> <!-- unsigned number between 0 and 255 -->
<!ENTITY % Float  	"CDATA"> <!-- Float -->
<!ENTITY % 01Float	"CDATA"> <!-- Float between 0 and 1 -->
<!ENTITY % UInt          "CDATA"> <!-- unsigned integer -->

<!ELEMENT Coordinate (point*)> <!-- Vector of 3D-Coordinates of floats -->
<!ELEMENT point EMPTY>         <!-- one coordinate of floats -->
<!ATTLIST point
        x %Float;   #REQUIRED
        y %Float;   #REQUIRED
        z %Float;   #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT CoordIndex (polyline*)>   <!-- Vector of polylines -->
<!ELEMENT polyline (i+,-1)> 	    <!-- polylines defined by pointindices -->
        j %UInt; #REQUIRED>          <!--index of -1 indicates end -->

<!ELEMENT Color (color*)>     <!-- vector of RGB-Colors -->
<!ELEMENT color EMPTY>	      <!-- one RGB-Color --> 	
<!ATTLIST color
        r   %UByte; #REQUIRED
	g   %UByte; #REQUIRED
	b   %UByte; #REQUIRED>     <!-- RGB-Color-Values between 0 and 255 -->
<!ELEMENT Material (ambientIntensity?, diffuseColor?, specularColor?>
<!ELEMENT ambientIntensity EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST ambientIntensity %01Float; "0.2">
<!ELEMENT diffuseColor EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST diffuseColor
        r   %UByte; "204"
	g   %UByte; "204"
        b   %UByte; "204">
<!ELEMENT specularColor EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST specularColor
 	r   %UByte; "0"
	g   %UByte; "0"
        b   %UByte; "0">

<!ELEMENT Normal (normal*)> <!-- Vector of 3D-normals of floats -->
<!ELEMENT normal EMPTY>         <!-- one normal of floats -->
<!ATTLIST normal
        x %Float;   #REQUIRED
        y %Float;   #REQUIRED
        z %Float;   #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT PointSet (Coordinate, Color?)>   <!-- a set of 3D points with color and size -->
<!ATTLIST PointSet
	pointsize %Int; "1">

<!ELEMENT IndexedLineSet (Color?, Coordinate, CoordIndex)>   <!-- 3D geometry formed by polylines -->
<!ATTLIST IndexedLineSet
        linesize %Int; "1">

<!ELEMENT IndexedFaceSet (Color?, Coordinate, CoordIndex, Normal?)>   <!-- 3D shape formed by polylines -->
<!ATTLIST IndexedFaceSet >                                              <!-- coordinates orientated against counterclockwise -->