About this homepage

Besides a short overview concerning myself, you can find here a small aikido-area, your IP or some clues for linux.

You are the 6761th visitor since thursday, the 13th of july in the year 2006.

About myself

My name is Enrico Kochon. Since winter semester 2003, I study mathematics and computer science at University of Osnabrück. My hobbies are programming, taking pictures, creating webpages, Aikido, the RoboAG, Studentop and many more (like role-play-gaming, chess, ...).

By the way, if you are interested in more aikido stuff I suggest you visit an intresting aikido-website: http://www.omote.de. There you will find pretty actual pictures from our aikidogroup.

more links


Send me an e-mail :-) My adress is: ekochon AT uos DOT de

last up: 2007/12/30