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NASA's Observatorium - Remote Sensing Software Sources

Eine von der NASA angebotene Linkliste zu Remote Sensing Software

COSMIC - NASA's Partner for Software Technology

Information on the future availability of NASA software will be posted on this web page as well as NASA's web pages as soon as it becomes available.

Links Software


Remote Sensing related Software

Public Domain Software im Bereich FE

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) WWW Resource List

Index, Schwerpunkt GIS

GIS and Remote Sensing Servers

allgemeine Linkliste...



  • Import and export routines from and to widely-used vector, raster and tabular data formats including ILWIS for DOS.
  • Display of multiple maps and annotation layers in one map window
  • Extensive vector and raster data management tools
  • Overlay of maps and annotation layers in one map window.
  • 3D views with interactive editing of view parameters.
  • Button bars, context-sensitive menu's, drag-and-drop facilities
  • Interactive and simultaneous data retrieval of multiple maps and attribute tables together with editing of attribute information.
  • Extensive image processing facilities
  • Comprehensive calculation facilities, both on maps and tables
  • Several types of geo-statistical analyses.
  • User defined script facilities (a sequenced list of ILWIS operations; comparable to batch-files in ILWIS 1.41)
  • Data output and presentation.
  • Full support of Windows features such as clipboard and multi-tasking.
  • DDE-server (Dynamic Data Exchange).


TNTmips is a professional system for fully integrated GIS, image processing, CAD, TIN, desktop cartography, and geospatial database management. Among its many applications, TNTmips is used to prepare a wide variety of materials for use and distribution with other TNT products.
TNTedit provides professional interactive tools to create, georeference, and edit project materials consisting of vector, image, CAD, TIN, and relational database objects. TNTedit can access geospatial data in a wide variety of commercial and public formats.


Integrated mapping software featuring image processing, map production, 3D presentations and GIS integration, for Windows 95/NT and Unix
Find out just how easy it is to open your imagery, display it, integrate it with other data, make enhancements, and get it out as a map or data file.
  • Open - easy access to all your data
  • Display - quickly view your imagery
  • Integrate - use your imagery together as a mosaic or with other data
  • Enhance - get the most from your imagery using these tools
  • Save/Print - now that you've processed your data, ER Mapper makes it easy to get it out

Clarklabs (IDRISI)

IDRISI is designed to be easy to use, yet provide professional-level GIS, Image Processing and Spatial Statistics analytical capability on Windows-based personal computers. It is intended to be affordable to all levels of users, and to run on the most basic of common computer platforms. No expensive graphics cards or peripheral devices are required to make full use of the analytical power of the system. Version 3 of IDRISI for Windows is a 32-bit application that is currently under development and planned for release in 1999.

IDRISI RESOURCE CENTER Salzburg - FramesHomepage

ERDAS, Inc. - Geographic Imaging Made Simple

What is IMAGINE? ERDAS describes it as a "complete, easy to use Geographic Imaging Suite, being capable of doing everything from simple image mapping to advanced remote sensing".

Research Systems

ENVI, the Environment for Visualizing Images, allows earth scientists to easily process, analyze and display multispectral, hyperspectral or radar remote sensing data. Extensible to suit your requirements, ENVI is the most powerful, flexible and easy to use image processing software available.


The PCI Geomatics Group focuses on providing software solutions for the Geomatics market, specifically the remote sensing; digital photogrammetry; spatial analysis, forestry and land use management GIS; and cartographic editing sectors.


Khoral Research, Creators of Khoros

Khoros is... information processing, data exploration, and data visualization

ArcView Image Analyst White Paper

Imagery of the earth's surface, both aerial and satellite, has become an integral part of today's GIS and desktop mapping systems. The new ArcView Image Analysis Extension will provide the tools necessary for ArcView GIS users to take full advantage of the wide range of digital image data that is available today, or planned for in the near future. This includes aerial photography, digital orthoimagery of all types, as well as current and future small-, medium-, and large-scale satellite data.

Official GRASS GIS Web Site

Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, in Amerika weit verbreitetes Public Domain GIS

ThinkSpace Product Line

MapFactory represents a powerful set of tools for the analysis and visualization of spatial data. This desktop application is an excellent complement to existing Geographic Information Systems. It also provides unique analysis features as a stand-alone product. The intuitive interface allows both new and expert users to master the system quickly and to explore spatial processing ideas creatively.
MAP II is a user friendly and robust spatial image processing system that can process images and maps in both visual and quantitative ways.
While the system has a spatial emphasis, it can also be used for other image processing applications. These include edge enhancement, shaded relief mapping, and merging operations.

Low Cost

MiraMon: Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing software

MiraMon ("WorldWatcher") is a program for displaying, consulting and editing raster and vector maps.

V-image Remote Sensing Software

V-image is a widely affordable Windows 95 and NT 4.0 remote sensing package that provides MOST of the remote sensing functions MOST people need, MOST of the time.

Arkemie software for remote sensing

Arkemie is a company that designs and develops software for extracting meaningful information from raw data. For remote sensing, Arkemie develops since 1991 segmentation, classification and vectorization software to interpret satellite images on a large scale.

Satellite Image Processing Software

(Low-cost(?))Tools zur Konvertierung zwischen versch. Satelliten-Formaten

DRAGON Remote Sensing Software for Personal Computers: education and training, natural resource management, appropriate technology

DRAGON is a convenient and versatile tool for applications such as vegetation monitoring, hydrologic mapping, environmental assessment, and rangeland management. It works in partnership with a variety of GIS packages and the DRAGON Tools Libraries, importing and exporting both vector and raster data. Current DRAGON users are analyzing imagery from Landsat, SPOT and NOAA satellites, airborne multispectral scanners, video, and aerial photography.
The ability to process 1024-pixel images, plus a full 16-million-color display using low-cost graphics boards, make DRAGON a uniquely powerful professional tool.
For education.

VYSOR Integration Inc. Windows image processing software developer and systems integrator.

Bieten einige Bildbearbeitungs und Visualisierungsprogramme an.

Powerful Software for Remote Sensing

RemoteView-Reader* is a very low cost viewer application that allows users to get started right away. RemoteView-Plus* provides interactive image processing and analysis capabilities with very high image quality standards and without requiring hardware acceleration. The Professional edition adds multispectral image analysis, ICA resampling, RULER mensuration, and mapping and geodetic analysis, creating one easy-to-use environment.

Daten und Specialties

Array Systems Computing Inc. - Remote Sensing

Array Systems Computing Inc.'s ImageScan software toolkit aids in detailed image quality analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar data. ImageScan currently supports RADARSAT and ERS signal data in CEOS format. This product is available on Standard UNIX platforms, such as SUN and Silicon Graphics.
FastScan is a satellite ground system that processes incoming real-time data from the satellite downlink and produces real-time imagery. The system was developed under contract with the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS). CCRS currently uses FastScan operationally at the Prince Albert and Gatineau satellite receiving stations for RADARSAT processing.

DFD's Satellite data chain: processing

German Remote Sensing Data Center Products

IMTRONIC - Systemhaus für Bildverarbeitung


Able Software

Produkte: R2V, 3D-Doctor, Raster to Vector Conversion, GeoTIFF, DXF, MIF, Arc/Info, ArcView, GIS, Line Tracing, Map Digitizing, 3D DEM, Image Draping, Volume Rendering, 3D Imaging, MRI, CT, Volume Visualization

LuRaTech - Produkte Bildverarbeitung


JPL Software Archive

Hauptsächlich Freeware-Bildbetrachtungssoftware...

Purdue/LARS MultiSpec

Gebuehrenfreie multispektral und hyperspektrale Bilddaten.

Remote sensing software

Software zum Empfang und Darstellung von Satellitenaufnahmen

SatTrack Satellite Tracking And Orbit Propagation Software

Commercial Off-The-Shelf Satellite Orbit Analysis Software for UNIX® Platforms (Wann ist welcher Satelit wo?)

© 1998 Thorsten Schelhorn, Holger Bruch
