class Fl_Group : public Fl_Widget

The Fl_Group is the fltk "container" class. It maintains an array of "child" Fl_Widgets. These children can themselves be Fl_Groups or Fl_Windows. The most important subclass of Fl_Group is Fl_Window itself. But groups can also be used to control radio buttons, or to do resize behavior.

Fl_Group::Fl_Group(int,int,int,int, const char* = 0);

virtual Fl_Group::~Fl_Group();

int Fl_Group::children() const;

Fl_Widget* Fl_Group::child(int n) const;

Fl_Widget*const* Fl_Group::array() const;

int Fl_Group::find(const Fl_Widget*) const;
int Fl_Group::find(const Fl_Widget&) const;

void Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget&);
void Fl_Group::add(Fl_Widget*);

void Fl_Group::insert(Fl_Widget&, int n);
void Fl_Group::insert(Fl_Widget&, Fl_Widget* beforethis);

void Fl_Group::remove(Fl_Widget&);

void Fl_Group::begin();
void Fl_Group::end();
static Fl_Group* Fl_Group::current();
static void Fl_Group::current(Fl_Group*);

class Fl_End;

void Fl_Group::resizable(Fl_Widget*);
void Fl_Group::resizable(Fl_Widget&);
Fl_Group& Fl_Group::add_resizable(Fl_Widget&);
Fl_Widget* Fl_Group::resizable() const;

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