class Fl_Positioner : public Fl_Widget

This class is provided for Forms compatibility. It provides 2D input. It would be useful if this could be put atop another widget so that the crosshairs are on top, but this is not implemented.

The color of the crosshairs is selection_color().

    Fl_Positioner(int x,int y,int w,int h, const char *l);
    float xvalue() const {return xvalue_;}
    float yvalue() const {return yvalue_;}
    void value(float *a,float *b) const {*a = xvalue(); *b = yvalue();}
    int xvalue(float);
    int yvalue(float);
    int value(float,float);
    void xbounds(float, float);
    void ybounds(float, float);
    void xbounds(float *a, float *b) const {*a = xmin; *b = xmax;}
    void ybounds(float *a, float *b) const {*a = ymin; *b = ymax;}
    void xstep(float a) {xstep_ = a;}
    void ystep(float a) {ystep_ = a;}
    void when(char a) {when_ = a;}
    char when() const {return when_;}