Get Your Own Copy

This tutorial was written by Rick Durrett and is designed to accompany the software s3: Stochastic Spatial Simulator, developed in joint work with Ted Cox. Since the text contains many s3 Exercise's to be run using the software, the best thing to do is to get a copy of s3 which contains a copy of the material that makes up these pages. If for some reason you don't want or need a copy of s3 you can just get survey.tar.Z using "Poor Man's FTP," i.e., click on the name and when your browser complains save the file to your disk. Of course you'll need to uncompress and untar it.

About These Pages

This first version of the tutorial completed in early January, 1997 sticks closely to what I know best, my own work. As these pages I hope they will offer a broader coverage with more complete lists of references. Typos, complaints, and suggestions about the content and its presentation should be sent to

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