Untitled Document

s3 (Stochastic Spatial Simulator) is an X Windows software package for the interactive exploration of particle systems on one and two dimensional grids with at most eight states at each site. It offers a number of built-in models which can be simulated from a variety of initializations. In addition, s3 is designed so that the user can easily add new models by writing C code that describes the simulation loop and then adding the name of the model to a parameter structure. s3 must then be recompiled (using the accompanying make file) but (i) only the new model and one other file must be recompiled and (ii) no knowledge of the many X Windows library routines used in s3 is needed to add a model. This document explains:

1. Installing s3

2. Running s3

3. Adding New Models

4. Writing New Models

There is a separate HTML document that describes the existing models and gives a brief introduction to interacting particle systems.

1. Installing s3

As our story begins, you have obtained a copy of a file called something like s3.tar.Z and you have it sitting in your home directory. The magic incantation

zcat s3.tar.Z | tar xf-

will uncompress the file and untar it all at once. If some reason this does not work you can fall back on the two step procedure

uncompress s3.tar.Z
tar xf s3.tar

Untarring the file creates a directory s3 and several subdirectories. The program files come to you as ANSI C source code so the next step is to "make" the executable. If you have a Sparcstation with gcc and the X11 libraries in /usr/openwin/lib then you should be able to create the executable by

cd s3

If you have a different C compiler or the X11 libraries reside in a different place then you will need to edit the Makefile.

# Makefile for s3
# Set prefix directory for X11 libs and include files
# Uncomment one of the following.  The idea is
# to have X11 libs in $(XPREFIX)/lib and
# the X11 header files in $(XPREFIX)/include.
# XPREFIX=/usr
# XPREFIX=/usr/X11
# XPREFIX=/usr/X11R5
# XPREFIX=/usr/local/X11
# XPREFIX=/usr/local/X11R5
# XPREFIX=/usr/openwin
# These should now be okay.
# Keep the following if using gcc.
LDFLAGS=-dynamic $(DLDFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR) -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lXext -lm
# For SUN's ansi c compiler, comment out the previous three lines
# and uncomment the following three lines.
# CC=cc
# LDFLAGS=-Bdynamic -L$(LIBDIR) -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lX11 -lXext -lm
OBJS =         main.o          graph.o         parm.o         states.o         rand.o
# Here we go.
all: s3s $(OBJS) libs s3s
$(CC) -o s3 $(CMDFLAGS) -Iinclude $(OBJS) $(LIBS)         $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBDIR)/libXmu.a
LIBS =         inits/inits.a         models/models.a         sims/sims.a             widgets/widgets.a

chmod 755 submake
./submake inits; cd inits;            make "CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} -I../include" "CC=${CC}"
./submake models; cd models;            make "CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} -I../include" "CC=${CC}"
./submake sims; cd sims;            make "CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} -I../include" "CC=${CC}"
./submake widgets; cd widgets;            make "CFLAGS=${CFLAGS} -I../include" "CC=${CC}"

unset noclobber ;
echo  '#!/bin/csh' > s3s ;
echo "" >> s3s ;
echo  "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${XPREFIX}/lib" >> s3s ;
echo "" >> s3s ;
echo  './s3' >> s3s ;
chmod 755 s3s

/bin/rm -f */*.a *.o */*.o *% *~{} */*% */*~{}; rm s3 s3s
The details of the Makefile are not important once you get the program to run. However there is one feature we will use later:

make clean removes all the .a and .o files to force all the .c files to be recompiled. It also removes certain backup files that your editor might make.

2. Running s3

To start the program change to the s3 directory and type s3. If you type s3 while you are in your home directory you will get a "permission denied" message which is UNIX's subtle way of telling you that s3 is the name of a directory not a program. If your computer complains about the libraries or just plain crashes when you type s3 to start the program, type s3s instead which sets the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the place specified in the Makefile.

Once you successfully start the program, a window will appear on the screen and be filled in with an array of colored rectangles. You are now looking at The Main Panel.

Pushing a button (here and in what follows this means positioning the cursor on the button and pushing the left mouse button) on the first row pops up an auxiliary panel.

A. "Parameters..."

to specify the parameters that control the operation of the program.

B. "Models..."

to select from the built in models and fill in their parameters.

C. "Inits..."

to specify initial conditions for simulations.

D. "Graph..."

to view to the density of various states in the array.

E. "States..."

to change the color choices for the array.

The descriptions of the auxilary panels are given in correspondingly labelled paragraphs below. The second row of buttons more immediately affects the main panel. "Quit" terminates s3.
"Reset" resets the time counter to 0 and reinitializes the cell array.
"Start/Stop" starts the simulation (from the point where you left off) when it is stopped and stops the simulation when it is started. If you want to change parameters it is not necessary to stop the simulation but it is easier to fill in the menus if you do.

Buttons and Features Common to All Auxilary Panels.

"Apply Parameters"
Once the parameters are modified as desired, you MUST push the button to have the changes take effect.
"Load Defaults"
reloads the default values for the parameters currently displayed.
"Close Panel"
as you might guess, closes the panel.
The main panel and each auxilary panel has a pull down menu on the menu bar that comes for free when you create an XWindow.

(i) Do not try to get rid of an auxillary panel by selecting Quit from the pull down menu on the menu bar, since that will Quit the entire application.

(ii) You can quit s3 by using Quit on the pull down menu on the main panel but you will get a message that an abnormal termination has occurred.

(iii) Any auxilary panel can be iconified by selecting Close from its pull down menu but in most cases you can simply use Close Panel instead.

(iv) The main panel can be iconified by selecting Close from it pull down menu and the simulation will keep running.

A. Parameters Panel.

More formally known as the Simulation Parameters Panel, or affectionately referred to in the code as the Sim Panel. There are two sets of parameters that can be changed. Push the button marked with the current selection to pop-up a menu to change to the other set.

a. The Main Parameter Set.
The "Main" parameter set consists of parameters for the simulation array and update rate. "Update Rate" specifies a percentage of the sites to be updated at each time step. Since painting the array is the slowest part of the program, this should be set fairly high. The default of 200 means that in an L x L array 2L^2 site updates occur between updates. "Array Height" and "Array Width" similarly define the dimensions of the array. The defualt is a 120 x 120 array of 5 x 5 cells. For a one dimensional simulation you might want to try a 250 (time) by 500 (space) array of 2 x 2 cells. In choosing your heights and widths, recall the number of pixels required is Cell Hight x Array Height by Cell Width x Array Width. As it comes to you, the program does not allow these numbers to exceed 850 and 1100 respectively but if you read the next paragraph you can change these defaults. Modifying Defaults. Edit the file defaults.h to change the parameters. Type "make clean" to remove the old .o files (see Installing s3 for more on this) and then type "make" to build a new executable.
b. The Density Output Parameters.
The "Density Output" parameter set tells s3 how to dump state density information. Density information is output to a file. The name of this file, along with the starting time, stopping time, and sampling frequency can be set here. A line of output consists of the time step and the density of each state, separated by tab characters. The output file is automatically written to disk at the prescribed stopping time, or when "Reset" or "Quit" on the Main Panel are pushed. For example, if the stopping time is 1000, and the update rate is 200, then density sampling will occur up to time step 2000, at which time the density output file will be written to disk.

B. The Model Panel.

In the Model Panel you push the button marked with the name of the current model to bring up a menu from which you can select a new model. Once a model is selected, a form will be generated for specifying the parameters. Once the parameters are filled in, push "Apply Parameters" to have the changes take effect. Note: when the simulation is running then parameters are read at every time step so changes take effect immediately.

C. The Init Panel.

You push the button marked with the name of the current initialization (or "init" for short) to bring up a menu from which you can select a new initialization. As usual, you push "Apply Parameters" to store the parameters internally. Then push "Reset" on the Main Panel to re-initialize with your new selection.

D. The Graph Panel.

The graph panel tracks the density of each state during simulation, and has three parameters.

Size = The number of times steps that can be recorded.
TicksX = The number of tick marks to place on the horizontal axis of the graph.
TicksY = The number of tick marks to place on the vertical axis of the graph.

"Apply Parameters" must be pushed in order for the changes to the take effect.

"Reset" clears a graph panel of densities from past time steps.

E. The States Panel.

The top row gives the colors assigned to the states in the model with a white square for nonexistent states. The bottom four rows give the 24 colors and 8 shades of gray available. You can assign colors to states by pushing the middle mouse button down while on the state to be changed and then dragging the marker to the desired color for the state and then releasing the button. X's mark the state to be changed and then the proposed new color. Even though you can mark other cells you are only allowed to change the cells on the first row that correspond to states in the model.

Note: if, for instance, you change colors for a one dimensional simulation on the suggested 250 x 500 it will take several seconds to redraw the 125,000 rectangles in the array.

In addition to being changed by the states panel, the colors of a simulation can be set in the model_*.c files. See part 3 below. In fact our philosophy is that the main purpose of the states panel is to aid in finding good choices for the default colors. For this purpose it is useful to know the names of the colors you are looking at.

0 = Black          8 = Brown       16 = Tan
1 = DarkRed        9 = Red         17 = LightRed
2 = RedGray       10 = Orange      18 = LightOrange
3 = BlueGray      11 = GreenGray   19 = Yellow
4 = DarkGreen     12 = Green       20 = LightGreen
5 = DarkCyan      13 = Cyan        21 = LightCyan
6 = DarkBlue      14 = Blue        22 = LightBlue
7 = DarkMagenta   15 = Magneta     23 = LightMagenta

The shades of gray in 24--31 are simply called Gray0--Gray7. Some colors are called by two names: Pink = LightRed, White = Gray7, LightGray = Gray5, Gray = Gray2. In referring to these colors note that each word begins with a capital letter and recall C is "case sensitive" i.e., it does not think darkred and DarkRed are the same thing. If you are really fussy about how the colors look you can edit the RGB values in the function DefineColors at the end of main.c. For help in defining new colors look at the file /usr/X11/lib/rgb.txt which gives the RGB values for several hundred color names.

3. Adding New Models

In this section we will describe how to add a new model assuming that you know how to write the simulation engine. In the next section we will give a description of how to write the simulation engine itself. Adding a model is a three step procedure

a. writing the model_xyz.c file

b. writing the model_xyz.h file

c. modifying model.c to add the new model to the menu

All three of these files reside in s3/models. To explain the process we look at an existing example: model_GBT.c. The names of the model modules are up to you but we suggest you keep the format model_name.c. Here and in what follows the code is displayed in typewriter font with comments in between.

a. writing the model_xyz.c file.

It is cutomary and useful to have the name of the model, here model_GBT.c, and a few remarks to help you remember what the code does enclosed in /* ... */ at the top of the file but, of course, this is optional. The first required elements are
#include "../main.h"
#include "model_GBT.h"
".." means the parent of the current directory, i.e. s3, since the file is in s3/models. The header file main.h is needed to define the global variables GiNStates = the number of states in the model, cmap[8] = the colors assigned to the states, and the list which translates color names into numbers, e.g. #define White 31.

The next thing to do is to declare the model parameters, which are labelled static to make them private variables invisible to other modules.

static double Beta0 = 4.5, Beta0_default = 4.5;
static double Delta0 = 1.0, Delta0_default = 1.0;
static double Beta1 = 2.0, Beta1_default = 2.0;
static double Delta1 = 1.0, Delta1_default = 1.0;
static int Range = 4, Range_default = 4;
Next we construct the menu which pops up when the model is chosen. GaParm = "global argument which is a PARM" and we suggest you retain this part of the name.

PARM GaParm_GBT [] = ${$
{"0 = grass, 1 = bushes, 2 = trees", NULL, param_unused, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, TRUE},
{"Higher state can give birth onto lower", NULL, param_unused, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, TRUE},
{"State 1 (Bushes):", NULL, param_unused, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, TRUE},
{"  Linear birth rate: ", &Beta0, param_double, -1, 70, &Beta0_default, NULL, TRUE},
{"  Constant death rate: ", &Delta0, param_double, -1, 70, &Delta0_default), NULL, TRUE},
{"State 2 (Trees):", NULL, param_unused, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, TRUE},
{"  Linear birth rate: ", &Beta1, param_double, -1, 70, &Beta1_default[1]), NULL, TRUE},
{"  Constant death rate: ", &Delta1, param_double, -1, 30,
&Delta1_default[1]), NULL, TRUE},
{"  Range [0 = nearest nrb] : ", &Range, param_int, -1, 70, &Range_default[1]), NULL, TRUE},
{NULL, NULL, param_unused, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, TRUE},
}; }

To explain this, we first note that the structure PARM is defined in parm.h as

typedef struct {
char *MpcName;
void *Value;
enum param_type paramType;
short stringSize;
short displaySize;
void *Default;
Widget MW;
int MbNewline;
} PARM; }

Here the naming conventions are M = member of a structure, p = pointer, c = character, d = double, W = Widget, b = Boolean. So

MpcName is a string (pointer to a character) which is printed on the model menu. Notice that extra blanks at the end of the string are not ignored. This can be used to neaten the display.

Value is a null pointer, to allow for "arbritrary" data types.

param_type specifies the type of data that Value, the possible types are:

indent param_double, param_int, param_string, parm_unused.

stringsize determines the number of characters allowed to define the parameter value under consideration. If stringsize is set equal to -1, s3 will handle this question automatically. The recommended practice is to always set stringsize equal to 1.

displaysize determines whether or not a box will be created on the menu, and how large this box will be. If displaysize is set equal to -1, no box will be created. If displaysize is a positive integer, a box of which holds that many characters will be created. A typical safe value in this case is 30.

Default is a pointer to the default value of the parameter, which is input by "Load Defualts" on the Model Panel. In most cases this should agree with the initialization provided when the parameter is declared.

MW is a Widget, the basic object from which the windows and menus are built. For the moment all you need to know that this is a pointer to something and you should always fill in this blank with NULL.

MbNewLine is a Boolean which is TRUE if this is the end of a line on the model menu. By putting FALSE here you can have two or more parameters on the same line. In designing your menus you need to take into account the fact that resulting widget inherits its width from the one to which it is attached and extra text is clipped off.

Note that each line ends with a comma not a semi-colon. This punctuation mistake or omitting one of the arguments will get the compiler quite upset. In addition each PARM must end with the lines

{ NULL, NULL, param_unused, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, TRUE },
} ;
The first NULL is the important entry since it indicates that the end of the menu definition has been reached. The }; on the last line is needed to close the definition of Ga_Parm.

Next comes the function which is the simulation engine.

void FA2pcA4i_GBT (char *ApcArray, char *ApcAux, int AiW, int AiH, int AiTime, int AiSteps)

The somewhat strange string "FA2pcA4i" means this is a Function that takes as arguments 2 pointers to characters and 4 integers and returns nothing (absence of letters between F and first A). In a simple model file this precision in naming things is obnoxious but when you are dealing with the source code for s3 which resides in a dozen .c files such information is a useful debugging tool. You can rename this function something like Rule_GBT if you desire but you have to remember the name you choose and modify parts b and c below appropriately. We will describe how to write this function in the next section. For the moment we only want to metion that the code must contain

GiNStates = 3;
if (AiSteps==0){
cmap[0] = Black; cmap[1] = Green; cmap[2] = Tan;}

The first line sets a global variable GiNStates that contains the number of states in the model. The last two lines set the color map for the model but only when the function is called with AiSteps = 0. The "if" (and some other code) is needed so that the default colors are loaded only when you change the model and then push "Apply Parameters."

b. making the model_xyz.h file

In the case of GBT it is
#ifndef __model_GBT_h__
#define __model_GBT_h__
#include "model.h"
extern PARM GaParm_GBT [ ];
void FA2pcA4i_GBT (char *ApcSrc, char *ApcDst,
int AiW, int AiH, int AiTime, int AiSteps);
If your new model is xyz, you can simply replace each GBT by xyz. Of course if you decided to rename the simulation engine Rule_GBT or something else that name should go after the "void".

The workings of this file are not important for most users but if you are curious:
The first two lines and the last one guarantee that the header file model_GBT.h will only be included once when the program compiles. model.h must be included to define PARM. The storage class specifier extern tells the compiler to pass the variable name GaParm_GBT to the linker. An extern is not needed on the function since it is assumed to be extern unless it is declared to be static.

c. Modifying model.c

Search for the line
# Models to include
and insert
#include "model_GBT.h"

somehere (it does not matter where) in the list of includes. Then add the following line to the definition of GaModel

{"Grass Bushes Trees", GaParm_GBT, FA2pcA4i_GBT, CMType2D},}
The first entry is the name as you want it displayed on the menu. The location of this line in the list determines the location of this name in the menu.

The second entry is the name of the PARM structure.

The third entry is the name of the simulation engine. If you kept the FA2pcA4i then you see one small reason for this notation. As you fill in the line you see that your new function takes the same arguments as the others. If you have changed the name of the simulation engine to Rule_GBT, you should of course fill in your new name.

The fourth entry in the model type. The choices are

CMtype2D = two dimensions, continuous time

CMtype1D = one dimension, continuous time

CMtype2DSync = two dimensions, discrete time

CMtype1DSync = one dimension, discrete time

The meanings of these choices will be explained in the next section.

4. Writing New Models

We begin by explaining the arguments passed to the function which is the simulation engine. As above, A indicates that these are arguments to the function, pc = pointer to a character, and i = integer. Two new abbreviations are Src = source, Dst = destination.

ApcArray = the array of states

ApcAux = an auxillary arrray which may be useful someday

AiW = width of the array

AiH = height of the array

AiTime = the number of times we have updated the array. This is needed in one dimensional simulations to write the new values in the right place on the screen. It is ignored in continuous time.

AiSteps = the number of sites we update in continuous time = AiW * AiH * "UpdateRate"/100 This is ignored in discrete time.

Note: The two pointers ApcArray and ApcAux currently point to the same array. In later releases the Auxilary array will be used in two dimensional discrete time simulations to aid in updating the array or in nonhomogeneous models to describe the environment.

A. Two dimensional continuous time.

The simulation engine for GBT begins by declaring variables
int rep, Diameter, i, iX, iY, iDir, iX2, iY2;
int nbrX[4] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 };
int nbrY[4] = { 0, -1, 0, 1 };
double r, max_rate, c10, c11, c20, c22;
Then continues with the two lines that all models must contain
GiNStates = 3;
if (AiSteps==0){
cmap[0] = Black; cmap[1] = Green; cmap[2] = Tan;}
For help with picking colors, see the list in the discussion of the States Panel in Section 2.

To explain the rest of the code we have to describe the model. The states 0 = vacant or grass, 1 = a bush, 2 = a tree.

(i) At rate Delta0 a 1 dies and becomes a 0.

(ii) At rate Beta0 a 1 gives birth to a new 1 which is sent to a randomly chosen neighbor. If the neighbor is a 0 it becomes a 1.

(iii) At rate Delta1 a 2 dies and becomes a 0.

(iv) At rate Beta1 a 2 gives birth to a new 2 which is sent to a randomly chosen neighbor. If the neighbor is a 1 or 0 it becomes a 2.

We will explain the phrase "randomly chosen neighbor" in a moment. The first step is to note that 1's try to do something (give birth or die) at rate Beta0 + Delta0, while 2's try to do something (give birth or die) at rate Beta1 + Delta1, so we have to compute the max_rate at which things happen:

max_rate = Beta0 + Delta0;
if (max_rate < Beta1 + Delta1)
max_rate = Beta1 + Delta1;
In writing a continuous time model we imagine each site is trying to do something at rate max_rate so we need to compare the model rates with max_rate to determine the probability a transition will occur:
c10 = Delta0/max_rate;
c11 = c10 + Beta0/max_rate;
c20 = Delta1/max_rate;
c22 = c20 + Beta1 /max_rate;
Again the reader will see the reasons for these definitions in a minute. Next, the line
Diameter = 2*Range+1;
will help in determining the "randomly chosen neighbor."

Now we come to the main loop. AiSteps is the number of sites we should update. Since we imagine each site is trying to do something at rate max_rate they will all have the same chance of being the next one chosen. RANDOM is an alias for a random long integer (which is defined in rand.c and can be changed to the user's favorite random number generator) so we call it twice: once modulo AiW and once modulo AiH to get a random point (iX,iY) in the grid:

for (i = 0; i < AiSteps; i++) {
iX = RANDOM % AiW;
iY = RANDOM % AiH;}
To accomodate one or two dimensional arrays our basic structure is always a one dimensional array. In two dimensions the element in row iX and column iY is found in location iX + AiW * iY. The code for choosing the random neighbor is:
if (Range==0) {
iDir = RANDOM & 0x3;
iX2 = (iX + nbrX [iDir] + AiW) % AiW;
iY2 = (iY + nbrY [iDir] + AiH) % AiH;
iDir = -Range + Diameter*UNIFORM;
iX2 = (iX + iDir +AiW) % AiW;
iDir = -Range + Diameter*UNIFORM;
iY2 = (iY + iDir +AiH) % AiH;
Here UNIFORM is an alias for a double uniformly distributed on [0,1), again defined in rand.c.

If the value of Range is 0, then the neighbor is supposed to be one of the four nearest neighbors of the first site. To pick it, we "and" RANDOM with 3 to get a random number iDir (integer Direction) that is 0, 1, 2, or 3 with equal probability. nbrX[iDir] and nbrY[iDir] give the displacement of the new point from the old one. To keep from running off the edge of the array we use "periodic boundary conditions" that is we do our arithmetic modulo AiW and AiH respectivley. Since many computers think -1 mod 100 = -1 we instead add 100 first to make the number positive and get the desired result (-1 + 100) mod 100 = 99. If the value of Range is larger than 0, then the neighbor is supposed to be selected at random from the sqaure of side Diameter centered at the first site. Now iDir becomes an integer selected at random from {-Range,...,+Range}, which is added to iX to obtain the x-coordinate of the neighbor site. Another random iDir is added to iY to obtain the y-coordinate, and thus the random neighbor (iX2,iY2) is determined.

Returning to the code, what we do is based on what we find at the chosen sites:

switch (ApcArray [iX + AiW * iY]) {
case 0:
/* do nothing */
case 1:
if (r < c10 ) /* die */
ApcArray [ iX + AiW * iY ] = 0 ;
else if (r < c11 ) /* give birth if possible */
if ( ApcArray [ iX2 + AiW * iY2 ] == 0 )
ApcArray [ iX2 + AiW * iY2 ] = 1 ;
Deaths are supposed to occur to 1's at rate Delta0 while events occur at rate max_rate so we choose to have a death event with probability c10, i.e., when r &#lt; c10. Likewise, we choose to have a birth event with probability Beta0/max_rate = c11 - c10, i.e., when c10 &#lt;= r <lt; c11. Given this, we find the current value at the neighbor (iX2, iY2), and set it = 1 if it is 0.

The case in which a 2 is chosen is similar but now we don't have to look at neighbor but simply always set it = 2. If the neighbor is 0 or 1 it should become 2; if it is already 2 we have done nothing.

case 2:
if (r < c20 ) /* die */
ApcArray [ iX + AiW * iY ] = 0 ;
else if (r < c22 ) /* give birth on anything */
ApcArray [ iX2 + AiW * iY2 ] = 2 ;
Finally, three }'s are needed to close (i) the switch, (ii) the for loop, and (iii) the function itself.

B. One dimensional continuous time.

We use the one dimensional voter model, model_1DVM.c, as an example. In this model the number of states, GdNStates, can take any value between 2 and 8. The simulation engine begins by declaring variables
int i, j, k, iDir;
int y = AiTime % AiH;
int y2 = (AiTime + 1) % AiH;
int Range = GdRange;
int Nbrs = 2*Range;
Then continues with the
if (AiSteps==0){
for (i=0; i<GiNStates; i++) cmap[i] = 16+i;}
Here the colormap consists of the pastel colors 16--23. To explain the rest of the code we have to describe the voter model. The states are thought of as opinions. At rate 1 the voter at x decides to change her opinion to that of a person chosen at random from x-r, ..., x-1, x+1, ..., x+r where r is the range of the interaction.

The state of the sites 0 <= i < AiW at time AiTime are recorded in the array at i + y * AiW where y = AiTime % AiH, so the first thing we do is copy the current contents of row y to row y2 = (AiTime + 1) % AiH).

for (i = 0; i < AiW; i++) {
ApcArray [i + y2 * AiW] = ApcArray [i + y * AiW];
Now to update row y2:
for (i = 0; i < AiW; i++) {
j = RANDOM % AiW;
iDir = -Range + (RANDOM % Nbrs);
if (iDir==0) iDir = Range;
k = (j + AiW + iDir ) % AiW;
ApcArray [j + y2 * AiW] = ApcArray [k + y2 * AiW];
Inside the loop: (1) we pick a site j at random between 0 and AiW-1; (2) makes iDir random between -Range and Range-1 but we don't want to pick 0 and we do want to pick Range so (3) corrects this. (4) picks the neighbor k using modulo arithmetic to avoid running off the ends of the interval. (5) sets the value at j to the one found at k.

C. Two dimensional discrete time.

We use the nonlinear voter model, model_NLV.c, as an example. This time we need two new includes:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
The first is needed to allocate memory with malloc, the second is needed for memcpy. The simulation engine begins as usual by declaring variables
int i, x, y, x2, y2, n;
double r;
char *tmp;
int nbrX[4] = { 1, 0, -1, 0 };
int nbrY[4] = {  0, -1, 0, 1 };
double prob[6];
and continues with the two lines that all models must contain
GiNStates = 2
if (AiSteps==0){
cmap[0] = Black; cmap[1] = LightGreen;
In the nonlinear voter model, to determine the state of x at time t+1 we examine the state of x and its four neighbors at time t. If we find k neighbors that are 1 then x will be 1 with probability prob[k]. To make the model symmetric under interchange of 0's and 1's we require prob[5-i] = 1-prob[i].
prob[0]=0.0; prob[1]=p1; prob[2]=p2;
for (i=0; i<3; i++) prob[5-i] = 1-prob[i];
To calculate the state at time t+1 without disturbing the state at time t we need to allocate a new array
tmp = (char *) malloc(AiW*AiH);
Then we go through the array one site at a time, count the number of 1's we find and decide the new state:
for (x = 0; x &#lt; AiW; x++) {
for (y = 0; y &#lt; AiH; y++)
n= ApcArray [x + AiW*y];
for (i = 0; i &#lt; 4; i++)
x2 = (x + nbrX[i] + AiW) % AiW;
y2 = (y + nbrY[i] + AiH) % AiH;
n += ApcArray[x2 + AiW*y2];
/* default is set state to 0 */
tmp[x + AiW*y] = 0;
/* now check to see if should really have a 1 */
if (r &#lt; prob[n] ) tmp[x + AiW*y] = 1;
Finally we copy the new array in dst into ApcDst and free the memory allocated. We have to free the memory every time to prepare for the moment at which the simulation is terminated.

D. One dimensional discrete time.

Our example is model_1DDTCP.c, the discrete time contact process. The simulation engine begins as usual by declaring variables
int i, j, k;
int y = AiTime % AiH;
int y2 = (AiTime + 1) % AiH;
and continues with the two lines that all models must contain
GiNStates = 2
if (AiSteps==0){
cmap[0] = Black; cmap[1] = LightCyan;}
In the discrete time contact process 1 indicates an occupied site and 0 a vacant site. Occupied sites survive from time t to time t+1 with probability GdDeath. If the 1 at x survives it gives birth onto x+1 and onto x-1 with probability GdBirth each. We think of occupied sites as the locations of plants so there can be at most one individual per site.
/* determine survivors */
for (i = 0; i < AiW; i++) {
if ((ApcArray[i+y*AiW]==1) && (UNIFORM > GdDeath))
ApcArray[i+y2*AiW] = 1;
else ApcArray[i+y2*AiW]=0;

/* Now we determine births */
for (i = 0; i < AiW; i++)
j = (i -1 + AiW) % AiW;
if ((ApcArray[j+y2*AiW]==1) && (UNIFORM < GdBirth))
j = (i +1 + AiW) % AiW;
if ((ApcArray[j+y2*AiW]==1) && (UNIFORM < GdBirth))