23.07.2003 have to find another test, because of the high expense of TAP.                       read the affective priming test
15.07.2003 improve the homepage and solving parts of the left questions
11.07.2003 seting up the homepage at the http://rhinos.cl-ki.uos.de/studip/index.php and talking about the test

the first proposal" Visual attention deficits in patients with unilateral visuo-spatial neglect" 

Meeting with Dr. Albert and Dr. Jackie in the institue and discussing the feasibility of the proposal

02.07.2003 Ute and Jiayong work together on the idea of " the visual attention and awareness"
24.06.2003 Ute develops special interesting in the Visual Neglect.
17.06.2003 Jiayong develops special interesting in the Saliency Map, the idea from the paper"The time course of selective visual attention: theory and experiment"
10.06.2003-13.06.2003 Ute and I take the Blocksemian by Koenig,"Mechanismen der visuellen Aufmerksamkeit"
26.05.2003-06.06.2003 Ute and I develop the interesting in the visual attention issues
23.05.2003 a mini nice party at Jiayong's home, delicious chinese food and nice discussion 
16.05.2003 Dr. Griego, Ute, Jiayong go to the Muenster Medical & Psychology Libary to search the related literature
15.04.2003-15.05.2003 regular meeting, a lot of references to read. Discussing. Focus on the brain tumor classification and brain cognition.
11.04.2003 meeting between Dr.Griego, Jiayong, Ute. From this day on, We meet twice in every week.
11.03.2003 Ute and Jiayong visit Paracelsus-Klinik Osnabrueck  to see a brain operation, after that talking with Prof.Dr. Albert. 
09.03.2003 an email from Prof.Dr. Albert, "hirn-chirurg. eingriffe  -einladung-"
19.02.2003 first meeting between, Dr.Griego, Prof.Dr. Albert, Ute and Jiayong in our Institute.
24.01 2003 an email from Dr.Griego, "possible collabration" binds us together.
Mini Project
Last Modified by Jiayong Liu