A boat ride can be funny



Leo with sunglasses
Leo with sunglasses
Bridge to Nowhere
Bridge to Nowhere
A short break in the canyon
A short break in the canyon
The crew
The crew
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How they wrestled the great Whanganui

Once upon a time nine friends set out to take upon a great and mighty river in the land of the Kiwis. This river is called the Whanganui, and the indigenous people of this land hold it sacred and honor it. One bright and shiny summer day now, we find this small group of people on the shore of a little tributary, loading and securing great barrels on the slim canoes. The canoes themselves were of a very yellow color. The barrels were black or white, and contained all the stuff a civilized person thinks it needs for a three-day trip to the bossom of mother nature. They were crammed.

Our friends pushed the canoes into the water, always two sharing one of them. How this adds up to an even number, you ask, dear reader? Well, they had found company along the way. Robert, a Swiss adventurer in his thirties and great helmsman, had joined them in their quest. Let me also introduce to you our little troupe, so that we might tell them apart in their further endeavours. They were a mixed bunch, thrown together from many different places of the Earth by their studies. I shall begin with Katie, a Canadian from New Brunswick. Don't you ever dare, worthiest reader, confuse America with the United States, or worse, address Miss Deley as an American. Few have escaped her pitying looks. It is a great pleasure for Katie to promote her country to the listener's consciousness, and oh my dear, she can make herself heard. Literally sitting in the same boat, you will find me, the narrator, and active participant of this expedition.

Next, and always the first to dive into any form of self-sacrificial adventures, are Ulf and Luke. Whenever there is a rapid to be scouted or a cliff to be jumped off, we would most certainly find them giving it a go. The third member of this thrill-seeking party is Hartmut, a pragmatic individual who nevertheless spices things up quite a bit. And further womanly fellowship there is: Britta, blond, blue eyed, but not candid in the least, and Susanne, a woman nordic by nature. Claudia, who derives great pleasure from any of the following: Village music, romantic movies and satisfying her feminine curiosity. And last, but not least, there is David, an experienced canoe rider and arduous with the paddle, not to mention his entertaining skills. These are the companions who by now have left the tributary and reached the main current of the river. He is gently drawing them into its bed and sweeping them towards an unknown destiny.

Will you, most honored reader, join this brave little company in their quest and learn about the odds they stood up against? Let me take you on a ride, and you will experience the thrills and chills as they did. Mind you, there is even romance to be expected. The waters are still flowing calm, but who knows what's around the next bend of the great and mighty Whanganui? more...