Hi There

This is my personal site, containing information and links that I thought might be helpful or interesting for other people.


Made a new page with some tips about Tex/Latex, German umlaute/umlauts, better fonts in pdf produced by pdflatex, and efficient work with latex in vim.
After I got swsusp2 to work flawlessly in Linux (kernel 2.6.5), I made a new page: Howto get swsusp (software suspend, hibernation) working in Linux.
Do you sometimes get a little annoyed by noises in your surroundings... your neighbors... or maybe that cpu fan? If your cpu supports speedstep or enhanced speedstep, you can use wmthrottle to dynamically and automagically down-/upclock your cpu under linux depending on its temperature to get rid of the latter.
Finally, a Sweden/Göteborg section at my site. It features something like a travel guide for Scandinavia/Sweden and solutions to some of the exercises in the book "Haskel - The Craft of Functional Programming".
Another new page: Finding a good IMAP provider, featuring a comparison of IMAP email providers. If you're looking for a really good IMAP service, one that is reliable, secure, and... this could save you some research.
There's a new page whith some general tips you Linux users could be interested in. It's still under construction and far from complete.