Eine Playlist fuer den Quicktimeplayer

set x to choose several files with prompt "hol dir die mp3´s"
set z to count of x
repeat with n from 1 to z
  tell application "QuickTime Player"
     set susie to open item n of x
     play susie

   repeat while playing of susie
     delay 5
   end repeat
  end tell
end repeat

Eine Mp3 im Quicktimeplayer oeffnen

set x to choose file with prompt "get garb.mp3"
tell application "QuickTime Player"
   set y to open x
   --present x
   get name of y
   get duration of y
   get class of y
end tell

Quicktime-Daten in FilemakerPro auswerten

property theName : ""
property dura : 0
property drin : false

set mov to choose file with prompt "wähle eine neue mp3"
set x to "Macintosh HD:Demos:FileMaker Pro Demo:ente"

tell application "QuickTime Player"
   set y to open mov
   set theName to name of y
   set dura to duration of y
end tell

tell application "FileMaker Pro"
   open x
   set len to count of records
   repeat with i from 1 to len
     set rec to record i
     set lied to cell 1 of record i
     set dur to cell 2 of record i
     if lied = theName then
       if dur = dura then
       set drin to true
     end if
   end if
end repeat
if (not drin) then
   create record
     set cell 1 of record (count of records) to theName
     set cell 2 of record (count of records) to dura
   end if
end tell

Verzeichnis abspielen

set x to choose folder with prompt "choose the directory for playing"
set y to list folder x
set z to count of y
repeat with n from 1 to z
   set susie to item n of y
   tell application "Finder"
   set playme to file susie of x
end tell
tell application "QuickTime Player"
   set mov to open playme
   play mov
     repeat while playing of mov
       delay 5
     end repeat
   end tell
end repeat

Verzeichnis spielen

set x to (choose folder)
tell application "Finder"
   set listchen to files of x
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to (count of listchen)
   set liedchen to item i of listchen as string
end repeat

on doPlaying(temp)
   set te to (temp as string)
   if te ends with ".mp3" then
     tell application "QuickTime Player"
       set erwin to open te
       erwin play
       get favorite 1
       repeat while playing of erwin
       delay 5
     end repeat
     end tell
   end if
end doPlaying