OperatorErlaeuterungAnwendbar auf
notLogisches NichtBoolean
orLogisches OderBoolean
andLogisches UndBoolean
&Verknuepfungalle Werteklassen
asUmwandlungalle Werteklassen
equals [is] equal to
ist gleichalle Werteklassen
is not
isn't equal [to]
is not equal [to]
doesn't equal
does not equal
ist nicht gleichalle Werteklassen
[is] greater than
comes after
is not less than or equal [to]
isn't less than or equal [to]
Ist groesser alsDate, Integer, Real, String
[is] greater than or equal [to]
is not less than
isn't less than
does not come before
doesn't come before
ist groesser als oder gleichDate Integer, Real, String

[is] less than
comes before
is not greater than or equal [to]
isn't greater than or equal [to]
ist kleiner alsDate, Integer, Real, String
[is] less than or equal [to]
is not greater than
isn't greater than
does not come after
doesn't come after
ist kleiner als oder gleichDate, Integer, Real, String
start[s] with
begin[s] with
beginnt mitList, String
end[s] withendet mitList, String
contain[s]enthaeltList, Record, String
does not contain
doesn't contain
enthaelt nichtList, record, String
is in
is contained by
befindet sich inList, Record, String
is not in
is not contained by
isn't contained by
befindet sich nicht inList, Record, String
* malInteger, Real
+ plusDate, Integer, Real
- minusDate, Integer, Real
/ geteilt durchInteger, Real
div integrale DivisionInteger, Real
mod RestInteger, Real
^ ExponentInteger, Real