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Manual page for INTRO(1)

intro - introduction to commands


This section describes publicly accessible commands in alphabetic order. Commands of general utility, many with enhancements from 4.3 BSD.

Pages of special interest have been categorized as follows:

Commands for communicating with other systems.
Commands used primarily for graphics and computer-aided design.
System V commands. One or more of the following are true:


Section 8 in this manual for system administration procedures, system maintenance and operation commands, local daemons, and network-services servers.
Section 7 in this manual for descriptions of publicly available files and macro packages for document preparation.
Section 6 in this manual for computer games.
[a manual with the abbreviation GSBG]
[a manual with the abbreviation DMBG]


Upon termination each command returns two bytes of status, one supplied by the system giving the cause for termination, and (in the case of ``normal'' termination) one supplied by the program, see wait.2v and exit.2v The former byte is 0 for normal termination, the latter is customarily 0 for successful execution, nonzero to indicate troubles such as erroneous parameters, bad or inaccessible data, or other inability to cope with the task at hand. It is called variously ``exit code,'' ``exit status'' or ``return code,'' and is described only where special conventions are involved.


Name	Appears on Page	Description

acctcom	acctcom(1)	 search and print process accounting files
adb	adb(1)	 general-purpose debugger
addbib	addbib(1)	 create or extend a bibliographic database
adjacentscreens	adjacentscreens(1)	 connect multiple screens to SunView window driver
admin	sccs-admin(1)	 create and administer SCCS history files
aedplot	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
align_equals	textedit_filters(1)	 filters provided with textedit(1)
apropos	apropos(1)	 locate commands by keyword lookup
ar	ar(1V)	 create library archives, and add or extract files
arch	arch(1)	 display the architecture of the current host 
as	as(1)	 assembler
at	at(1)	 execute a command or script at a specified time
atq	atq(1)	 display the queue of jobs to be run at specified times
atrm	atrm(1)	 remove jobs spooled by at or batch
awk	awk(1)	 pattern scanning and processing language
banner	banner(1V)	 display a string in large letters
bar	bar(1)	 create tape archives, and add or extract files
basename	basename(1V)	 display portions of pathnames and filenames
batch	at(1)	 execute a command or script at a specified time
bc	bc(1)	 arbitrary-precision arithmetic language
bgplot	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
biff	biff(1)	 give notice of incoming mail messages
bin-mail	bin-mail(1)	 an early program for processing mail messages
cal	cal(1)	 display a calendar
calendar	calendar(1)	 a simple reminder service
cancel	lp(1)	 send/cancel requests to a printer
capitalize	textedit_filters(1)	 filters provided with textedit(1)
cat	cat(1V)	 concatenate and display 
cb	cb(1)	 a simple C program beautifier
cc	cc(1V)	 C compiler
cd	cd(1)	 change working directory
cdc	sccs-cdc(1)	 change the delta commentary of an SCCS delta
cflow	cflow(1V)	 generate a flow graph for a C program
checkeq	eqn(1)	 typeset mathematics
checknr	checknr(1)	 check nroff and troff input files for errors
chfn	passwd(1)	 change local or NIS password information
chgrp	chgrp(1)	 change the group ownership of a file
chkey	chkey(1)	 create or change encryption key
chmod	chmod(1V)	 change the permissions mode of a file
chsh	passwd(1)	 change local or NIS password information
clear	clear(1)	 clear the terminal screen
clear_colormap	clear_colormap(1)	 clear the colormap to make console text visible
clear_functions	clear_functions(1)	 reset the selection service to clear stuck function keys
click	click(1)	 enable or disable the keyboard's keystroke click
clock	clock(1)	 display the time in an icon or window
cluster	cluster(1)	 find optional cluster containing a file
cmdtool	cmdtool(1)	 run a shell (or program) using the SunView text facility
cmp	cmp(1)	 perform a byte-by-byte comparison of two files
col	col(1V)	 filter reverse paper motions for terminal diplay
colcrt	colcrt(1)	 filter nroff output for a terminal lacking overstrike capability
coloredit	coloredit(1)	 alter color map segment
colrm	colrm(1)	 remove characters from specified columns within each line
comb	sccs-comb(1)	 combine SCCS deltas
comm	comm(1)	 display lines in common between two sorted lists
compress	compress(1)	 compress or expand files, display expanded contents
cp	cp(1)	 copy files
cpio	cpio(1)	 copy file archives in and out
cpp	cpp(1)	 the C language preprocessor
crontab	crontab(1)	 install, edit, remove or list a user's crontab file
crtplot	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
crypt	crypt(1)	 encode or decode a file
csh	csh(1)	 shell with a C-like syntax and advanced interactive features
csplit	csplit(1V)	 split a file with respect to a given context
ctags	ctags(1)	 create a tags file for use with ex and vi
ctrace	ctrace(1V)	 generate a C program execution trace
cu	cu(1C)	 connect to remote system
cut	cut(1V)	 remove selected fields from each line of a file
cxref	cxref(1V)	 generate a C program cross-reference
date	date(1V)	 display or set the date
dbx	dbx(1)	 source-level debugger
dbxtool	dbxtool(1)	 SunView interface for dbx source-level debugger
dc	dc(1)	 desk calculator
dd	dd(1)	 convert and copy files with various data formats
defaultsedit	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
defaults_from_input	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
defaults_from_input	input_from_defaults(1)	 update current state of the mouse and keyboard
defaults_to_indentpro	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
defaults_to_mailrc	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
delta	sccs-delta(1)	 make a delta to an SCCS file
deroff	deroff(1)	 remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs
des	des(1)	 encrypt or decrypt data using Data Encryption Standard
desktop	desktop(1)	 switch the window system to be invoked upon login	
df	df(1V)	 report free disk space on file systems
diff	diff(1)	 display line-by-line differences between pairs of text files
diff3	diff3(1V)	 display line-by-line differences between 3 files
diffmk	diffmk(1)	 mark differences between versions of a troff input file
dircmp	dircmp(1V)	 compare directories
dirname	basename(1V)	 display portions of pathnames and filenames
dis	dis(1)	 object code disassembler for COFF
disablenumlock	enablenumlock(1)	 enable or disable the numlock key
domainname	domainname(1)	 set or display name of the current NIS domain
dos	dos(1)	 SunView window for IBM PC/AT applications
dos2unix	dos2unix(1)	 convert text file from DOS format to ISO format
du	du(1V)	 display the number of disk blocks used per directory or file
dumbplot	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
dumpkeys	loadkeys(1)	 load and dump keyboard translation tables
e	ex(1)	 line editor
echo	echo(1V)	 echo arguments to the standard output
ed	ed(1)	 basic line editor
edit	ex(1)	 line editor
egrep	grep(1V)	 search a file for a string or regular expression
eject	eject(1)	 eject media device from drive
enablenumlock	enablenumlock(1)	 enable or disable the numlock key
enroll	xsend(1)	 send or receive secret mail
env	env(1)	 obtain or alter environment variables
eqn	eqn(1)	 typeset mathematics
error	error(1)	 categorize compiler error messages, insert at source file lines
ex	ex(1)	 line editor
expand	expand(1)	 expand TAB characters to SPACE characters, and vice versa
expr	expr(1V)	 evaluate expressions as logical, arithmetic, or string
false	true(1)	 provide truth values
fdformat	fdformat(1)	 format diskettes
fgrep	grep(1V)	 search a file for a string or regular expression
file	file(1)	 determine the type of a file by examining its contents
find	find(1)	 find files by name, or by other characteristics
finger	finger(1)	 display information about users
fmt	fmt(1)	 simple text and mail-message formatters
fmt_mail	fmt(1)	 simple text and mail-message formatters
fold	fold(1)	 fold long lines for display
fontedit	fontedit(1)	 a vfont screen-font editor
foption	foption(1)	 determine available floating-point code generation options
from	from(1)	 display the sender and date of newly-arrived mail messages
ftp	ftp(1C)	 file transfer program
gcore	gcore(1)	 get core images of running processes
get	sccs-get(1)	 retrieve a version of an SCCS file
get_alarm	set_alarm(1)	 SunView programmable alarms
getoptcvt	getopts(1)	 parse command options in shell scripts
getopt	getopt(1V)	 parse command options in shell scripts
getopts	getopts(1)	 parse command options in shell scripts
get_selection	get_selection(1)	 copy contents of SunView selection to the standard output
gfxtool	gfxtool(1)	 run graphics programs in a SunView window
gigiplot	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
gprof	gprof(1)	 display call-graph profile data
graph	graph(1G)	 draw a graph
grep	grep(1V)	 search a file for a string or regular expression
groups	groups(1)	 display a user's group memberships
hashcheck	spell(1)	 report spelling errors
hashmake	spell(1)	 report spelling errors
head	head(1)	 display first few lines of specified files
help	sccs-help(1)	 help regarding SCCS error or warning messages
help_viewer	help_viewer(1)	 provide help with SunView applications and desktop
hostid	hostid(1)	 print the numeric identifier of the current host
hostname	hostname(1)	 set or print name of current host system
hpplot	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
i386	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
iAPX286	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
iconedit	iconedit(1)	 create and edit images for icons, cursors and panel items
id	id(1V)	 print the user name and ID, and group name and ID
implot	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
indent	indent(1)	 indent and format a C program source file
indentpro_to_defaults	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
indxbib	indxbib(1)	 create an inverted index to a bibliographic database
inline	inline(1)	 in-line procedure call expander
input_from_defaults	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
input_from_defaults	input_from_defaults(1)	 update the current state of the mouse and keyboard
insert_brackets	textedit_filters(1)	 filters provided with textedit(1)
install	install(1)	 install files
ipcrm	ipcrm(1)	 remove a message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory ID
ipcs	ipcs(1)	 report interprocess communication facilities status
join	join(1)	 relational database operator
keylogin	keylogin(1)	 decrypt and store secret key
keylogout	keylogout(1)	 delete stored secret key 
kill	kill(1)	 send a signal to a process, or terminate a process
last	last(1)	 indicate last logins by user or terminal
lastcomm	lastcomm(1)	 show the last commands executed, in reverse order
ld	ld(1)	 link editor, dynamic link editor
ldd	ldd(1)	 list dynamic dependencies
ld.so	ld(1)	 link editor, dynamic link editor
leave	leave(1)	 remind you when you have to leave
lex	lex(1)	 lexical analysis program generator
line	line(1)	 read one line
lint	lint(1V)	 a C program verifier
ln	ln(1V)	 make hard or symbolic links to files
load	load(1)	 load clusters
loadc	load(1)	 load clusters
loadkeys	loadkeys(1)	 load and dump keyboard translation tables
lockscreen_default	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
lockscreen_default	lockscreen(1)	 maintain SunView context and prevent unauthorized access
lockscreen	lockscreen(1)	 maintain SunView context and prevent unauthorized access
logger	logger(1)	 add entries to the system log
login	login(1)	 log in to the system
logname	logname(1)	 get the name by which you logged in
look	look(1)	 find words in the system dictionary or lines in a sorted list
lookbib	lookbib(1)	 find references in a bibliographic database
lorder	lorder(1)	 find an ordering relation for an object library
lp	lp(1)	 send/cancel requests to a printer
lpq	lpq(1)	 display the queue of printer jobs
lpr	lpr(1)	 send a job to the printer
lprm	lprm(1)	 remove jobs from the printer queue
lpstat	lpstat(1)	 display the printer status information
lptest	lptest(1)	 generate lineprinter ripple pattern
ls	ls(1V)	 list the contents of a directory
lsw	lsw(1)	 list TFS whiteout entries
m4	m4(1V)	 macro language processor
m68k	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
mach	mach(1)	 display the processor type of the current host
machid	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
Mail	mail(1)	 read or send mail messages
mailrc_to_defaults	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
mailtool	mailtool(1)	 SunView interface for the mail program
make	make(1)	 maintain, update, and regenerate related programs and files
man	man(1)	 display reference manual pages
mesg	mesg(1)	 permit or deny messages on the terminal
mkdir	mkdir(1)	 make a directory
mkstr	mkstr(1)	 create an error message file by massaging C source files
more	more(1)	 browse or page through a text file
mps	mps(1)	 display status of current processes on an MP system
mpstat	mpstat(1)	 show multi-processor usage
mt	mt(1)	 magnetic tape control
mv	mv(1)	 move or rename files
nawk	nawk(1)	 pattern scanning and processing language
neqn	eqn(1)	 typeset mathematics
newgrp	newgrp(1)	 log in to a new group
nice	nice(1)	 run a command at low priority
nl	nl(1V)	 line numbering filter
nm	nm(1)	 print symbol name list
nohup	nohup(1V)	 run a command immune to hangups and quits
nroff	nroff(1)	 format documents for display or line-printer
objdump	objdump(1)	 dump selected parts of a COFF object file
od	od(1V)	 octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and ascii dump
old-ccat	old-compact(1)	 compress and uncompress files, and cat them
old-compact	old-compact(1)	 compress and uncompress files, and cat them
old-eyacc	old-eyacc(1)	 modified yacc allowing much improved error recovery
old-filemerge	old-filemerge(1)	 window-based file comparison and merging program
old-make	old-make(1)	 maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs
old-prmail	old-prmail(1)	 display waiting mail
old-pti	old-pti(1)	 phototypesetter interpreter
old-setkeys	old-setkeys(1)	 modify interpretation of the keyboard
old-sun3cvt	old-sun3cvt(1)	 convert Sun-2 system executables to Sun-3 system executables
old-syslog	old-syslog(1)	 make a system log entry
old-uncompact	old-compact(1)	 compress and uncompress files, and cat them
old-vc	old-vc(1)	 version control
on	on(1C)	 execute command on a remote system with local environment
organizer	organizer(1)	 file and directory manager
overview	overview(1)	 run a program from SunView that takes over the screen
pack	pack(1V)	 compress and expand files
page	more(1)	 browse or page through a text file
pagesize	pagesize(1)	 display the size of a page of memory
passwd	passwd(1)	 change local or NIS password information
paste	paste(1V)	 join corresponding lines of files, subsequent lines of one
pax	pax(1V)	 portable archive exchange 
paxcpio	paxcpio(1V)	 copy file archives in and out
pcat	pack(1V)	 compress and expand files
pdp11	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
perfmeter	perfmeter(1)	 display system performance values in a meter or strip chart
pg	pg(1V)	 page through a file on a soft-copy terminal
plot	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
pr	pr(1V)	 prepare file(s) for printing, perhaps in multiple columns
printenv	printenv(1)	 display environment variables currently set
prof	prof(1)	 display profile data
prs	sccs-prs(1)	 display selected portions of an SCCS history
prt	sccs-prt(1)	 display delta table information from an SCCS file
ps	ps(1)	 display the status of current processes 
ptx	ptx(1)	 generate a permuted index
pwd	pwd(1)	 display the pathname of the current working directory
quota	quota(1)	 display a user's disk quota and usage
ranlib	ranlib(1)	 convert archives to random libraries
rasfilter8to1	rasfilter8to1(1)	 convert an 8-bit deep rasterfile to a 1-bit deep rasterfile
rastrepl	rastrepl(1)	 magnify a raster image by a factor of two
rcp	rcp(1C)	 remote file copy
rdist	rdist(1)	 remote file distribution program
red	ed(1)	 basic line editor
refer	refer(1)	 expand and insert references from a bibliographic database
remove_brackets	textedit_filters(1)	 filters provided with textedit(1)
reset	tset(1)	 establish or restore terminal characteristics
rev	rev(1)	 reverse the order of characters in each line
ring_alarm	set_alarm(1)	 SunView programmable alarms
rlogin	rlogin(1C)	 remote login
rm	rm(1)	 remove (unlink) files or directories
rmdel	sccs-rmdel(1)	 remove a delta from an SCCS file
rmdir	rm(1)	 remove (unlink) files or directories
roffbib	roffbib(1)	 format and print a bibliographic database
rpcgen	rpcgen(1)	 RPC protocol compiler
rsh	rsh(1C)	 remote shell
rup	rup(1C)	 show host status of local machines (RPC version)
ruptime	ruptime(1C)	 show host status of local machines
rusers	rusers(1C)	 who's logged in on local machines (RPC version)
rwall	rwall(1C)	 write to all users over a network
rwho	rwho(1C)	 who's logged in on local machines
sact	sccs-sact(1)	 show editing activity status of an SCCS file
sccs	sccs(1)	 front end for the Source Code Control System (SCCS)
sccs-admin	sccs-admin(1)	 create and administer SCCS history files
sccs-cdc	sccs-cdc(1)	 change the delta commentary of an SCCS delta
sccs-comb	sccs-comb(1)	 combine SCCS deltas
sccs-delta	sccs-delta(1)	 make a delta to an SCCS file
sccsdiff	sccs-sccsdiff(1)	 compare two versions of an SCCS file
sccs-get	sccs-get(1)	 retrieve a version of an SCCS file
sccs-help	sccs-help(1)	 ask for help regarding SCCS error or warning messages
sccs-prs	sccs-prs(1)	 display selected portions of an SCCS history
sccs-prt	sccs-prt(1)	 display delta table information from an SCCS file
sccs-rmdel	sccs-rmdel(1)	 remove a delta from an SCCS file
sccs-sact	sccs-sact(1)	 show editing activity status of an SCCS file
sccs-sccsdiff	sccs-sccsdiff(1)	 compare two versions of an SCCS file
sccs-unget	sccs-unget(1)	 undo a previous get of an SCCS file
sccs-val	sccs-val(1)	 validate an SCCS file
screenblank	screenblank(1)	 turn off the screen when the mouse and keyboard are idle
screendump	screendump(1)	 dump a frame-buffer image to a file
screenload	screenload(1)	 load a frame-buffer image from a file
script	script(1)	 make typescript of a terminal session
scrolldefaults	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
sdiff	sdiff(1V)	 contrast two text files by displaying them side-by-side
sed	sed(1V)	 stream editor
selection_svc	selection_svc(1)	 SunView selection service
set_alarm	set_alarm(1)	 SunView programmable alarms
sh	sh(1)	 standard UNIX system shell and command-level language
shelltool	shelltool(1)	 run a shell in a SunView terminal window
shift_lines	textedit_filters(1)	 filters provided with textedit(1)
size	size(1)	 display the size of an object file
sleep	sleep(1)	 suspend execution for a specified interval
snap	snap(1)	 SunView application for system and network administration
soelim	soelim(1)	 resolve and eliminate .so requests from nroff or troff input
sort	sort(1V)	 sort and collate lines
sortbib	sortbib(1)	 sort a bibliographic database
sparc	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of indicated type
spell	spell(1)	 report spelling errors
spellin	spell(1)	 report spelling errors
spline	spline(1G)	 interpolate smooth curve
split	split(1)	 split a file into pieces
strings	strings(1)	 find printable strings in an object file or binary
strip	strip(1)	 remove symbols and relocation bits from an object file
stty	stty(1V)	 set or alter the options for a terminal
stty_from_defaults	defaultsedit(1)	 edit default settings for SunView utilities
stty_from_defaults	stty_from_defaults(1)	 set terminal editing characters from the defaults database
su	su(1V)	 super-user, temporarily switch to a new user ID
sum	sum(1V)	 calculate a checksum for a file
sun	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of indicated type
sunview	sunview(1)	 the SunView window environment
sv_acquire	sv_acquire(1)	 change owner, group, mode of window devices
sv_release	sv_acquire(1)	 change owner, group, mode of window devices
swin	swin(1)	 set or get SunView user input options
switcher	switcher(1)	 switch between multiple desktops on the same physical screen
symorder	symorder(1)	 rearrange a list of symbols
sync	sync(1)	 update the super block; force changed blocks to the disk
sysex	sysex(1)	 start the system exerciser
syswait	syswait(1)	 execute a command, suspending termination until user input
t300	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
t300s	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
t4013	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
t450	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
tabs	tabs(1V)	 set tab stops on a terminal
tail	tail(1)	 display the last part of a file
talk	talk(1)	 talk to another user
tar	tar(1)	 create tape archives, and add or extract files
tbl	tbl(1)	 format tables for nroff or troff
tcopy	tcopy(1)	 copy a magnetic tape
tcov	tcov(1)	 construct test coverage analysis
tee	tee(1)	 replicate the standard output
tek	plot(1G)	 graphics filters for various plotters
tektool	tektool(1)	 SunView Tektronix 4014 terminal-emulator window
telnet	telnet(1C)	 user interface to a remote system using the TELNET protocol
test	test(1V)	 return true or false according to a conditional expression
textedit	textedit(1)	 SunView window- and mouse-based text editor
textedit_filters	textedit_filters(1)	 filters provided with textedit(1)
tftp	tftp(1C)	 trivial file transfer program
time	time(1V)	 time a command
tip	tip(1C)	 connect to remote system
toolplaces	toolplaces(1)	 display current window locations, sizes, and other attributes
touch	touch(1V)	 update the access and modification times of a file
tput	tput(1V)	 initialize a terminal or query the terminfo database
tr	tr(1V)	 translate characters
trace	trace(1)	 trace system calls and signals
traffic	traffic(1C)	 SunView program to display Ethernet traffic
troff	troff(1)	 typeset or format documents
true	true(1)	 provide truth values
tset	tset(1)	 establish or restore terminal characteristics
tsort	tsort(1)	 topological sort
tty	tty(1)	 display the name of the terminal
u3b	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
u3b2	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
u3b5	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
u3b15	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
ul	ul(1)	 do underlining
uname	uname(1)	 display the name of the current system
uncompress	compress(1)	 compress or expand files, display expanded contents
unexpand	expand(1)	 expand TAB characters to SPACE characters, and vice versa
unget	sccs-unget(1)	 undo a previous get of an SCCS file
unifdef	unifdef(1)	 resolve and remove ifdef'ed lines from cpp input
uniq	uniq(1)	 remove or report adjacent duplicate lines
units	units(1)	 conversion program
unix2dos	unix2dos(1)	 convert text file from ISO format to DOS format
unload	unload(1)	 unload optional clusters
unloadc	unload(1)	 unload optional clusters
unpack	pack(1V)	 compress and expand files
unwhiteout	unwhiteout(1)	 remove a TFS whiteout entry
uptime	uptime(1)	 show how long the system has been up
users	users(1)	 display a compact list of users logged in
ustar	ustar(1V)	 process tape archives
uucp	uucp(1C)	 system to system copy
uudecode	uuencode(1C)	 encode a binary file, or decode its ASCII representation
uuencode	uuencode(1C)	 encode a binary file, or decode its ASCII representation
uulog	uucp(1C)	 system to system copy
uuname	uucp(1C)	 system to system copy
uupick	uuto(1C)	 public system-to-system file copy
uusend	uusend(1C)	 send a file to a remote host
uustat	uustat(1C)	 UUCP status inquiry and job control
uuto	uuto(1C)	 public system-to-system file copy
uux	uux(1C)	 remote system command execution
vacation	vacation(1)	 reply to mail automatically
val	sccs-val(1)	 validate an SCCS file
vax	machid(1)	 return a true exit status if the processor is of the indicated type
vedit	vi(1)	 visual display editor based on ex(1)
vfontinfo	vfontinfo(1)	 inspect and print out information about fonts
vgrind	vgrind(1)	 grind nice program listings
vi	vi(1)	 visual display editor based on ex(1)
view	vi(1)	 visual display editor based on ex(1)
vplot	vplot(1)	 plot graphics for a Versatec printer
vswap	vswap(1)	 convert a foreign font file
vtroff	vtroff(1)	 troff to a raster plotter
vwidth	vwidth(1)	 make a troff width table for a font
w	w(1)	 who is logged in, and what are they doing
wait	wait(1)	 wait for a process to finish
wall	wall(1)	 write to all users logged in
wc	wc(1)	 display a count of lines, words and characters
what	what(1)	 extract SCCS version information from a file
whatis	whatis(1)	 display a one-line summary about a keyword
whereis	whereis(1)	 locate the binary, source, and manual page for a command
which	which(1)	 locate a command; display its pathname or alias
who	who(1)	 who is logged in on the system
whoami	whoami(1)	 display the effective current username
whois	whois(1)	 TCP/IP Internet user name directory service
write	write(1)	 write a message to another user
xargs	xargs(1V)	 construct the arguments list(s) and execute a command
xget	xsend(1)	 send or receive secret mail
xsend	xsend(1)	 send or receive secret mail
xstr	xstr(1)	 extract strings from C programs to implement shared strings
yacc	yacc(1)	 yet another compiler-compiler: parsing program generator
yes	yes(1)	 be repetitively affirmative
ypcat	ypcat(1)	 print values in a NIS data base
ypmatch	ypmatch(1)	 print the value of one or more keys from a NIS map
yppasswd	yppasswd(1)	 change your network password in the NIS database
ypwhich	ypwhich(1)	 return hostname of NIS server or map master
zcat	compress(1)	 compress or expand files, display expanded contents

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97