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Manual page for hpnpadmin(1C)

hpnpadmin - administer a remote SNMP peripheral


hpnpadmin [ -aAbdDjklnoOprsSv ] [ -mM protocol ] [ -c community ] node


Hpnpadmin administers the network peripheral node. Using SNMP GetRequests, hpnpadmin queries node for status, statistical, or configurable information. Using SNMP SetRequests, hpnpadmin causes the active TCP connection to be killed (-k), the network interface to be reconfigured (-r), or a memory image to be dumped using TFTP (-D), or a protocol to be enabled/disabled (-mM).

Community is the SNMP community name used for the GetRequests or SetRequests. The community name is retrieved from the file /usr/lib/hpnp/hpnpsnmp if the community name is omitted from the command line.

If no options are specified, the status is looked up as with the -s option.


Check the peripheral's access list to see if this host is allowed to print.
Check if the node is a network peripheral interface.
Display all the information configured at bootup.
-c community
Specify the SNMP community name.
Display the SNMP packets exchanged.
Dump the memory image using TFTP to the BOOTP server host. The memory image is left in the file npi.<IP-address> in the home directory of TFTP. This file must exist before the image dump and the file must be world writable. This option requires the host running hpnpadmin to be on the peripheral's access list. This option also requires the network peripheral interface to have the set community name specified. The same set community name must be provided by hpnpadmin.
Display peripheral job name and job source, if available.
Kill the currently active connection. This option requires the host running hpnpadmin to be on the peripheral's access list. This option also requires the network peripheral interface to have the set community name specified. The same set community name must be provided by hpnpadmin.
Display the location and contact for this peripheral.
-m protocol
Specify the protocol to enable on the network peripheral interface, if supported, where protocol is one of all, auto, novell, dlc, tcp, or ethertalk.
-M protocol
Specify the protocol to disable on the network peripheral interface, if supported, where protocol is one of novell, dlc, or ethertalk.
Display protocol enable/disable status of the network peripheral interface, if supported.
Display the operational statistics - bytes sent and received on the current connection, connections accepted, denied, aborted, and killed.
Display the same operational statistics as -o, but with more detail. Name the host whose connection was aborted or denied and the time since it happened. Give the reason for the aborted connection. If there is no more detailed information to give, the output will be the same as the -o option.
Display protocol statistics for the following protocols: TCP, UDP, IP, ICMP, and SNMP.
Reconfigure the network interface by redoing the bootup sequence. Various counters are reset during this operation. This option requires the host running hpnpadmin to be on the peripheral's access list. This option also requires the network peripheral interface to have the set community name specified. The same set community name must be provided by hpnpadmin.
Query node for its status.
Display peripheral status information, if available.
Display a verbose collection of status information.


Hpnpadmin returns 1 if the access list check, using the -a option, confirms that this host is not on the peripheral's access list.

Hpnpadmin returns 1 if the network peripheral check, using the -A option, confirms that this node is not a network peripheral interface.




SNMP community names
memory image dump file


hpnpstat(1c), hpnpsnmp(5)

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