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Manual page for LOAD(1)

load, loadc - load Application SunOS or Developer's Toolkit clusters


load [ filename ...]

loadc [ cluster ... ]

loadc appl

loadc devel


Available only on Sun 386i systems running a SunOS 4.0.x release or earlier. Not a SunOS 4.1 release feature.


load loads the optional clusters in the Application SunOS or the Developer's Toolkit that contain the files specified in the filename arguments. loadc loads the optional clusters in the Application SunOS or the Developers Toolkit specified in the cluster arguments. Specify the special cluster name appl with loadc to load all the Application SunOS clusters. Likewise, specify devel to loadc to load all the Developer's Toolkit clusters.

load and loadc require the user to specify the distribution medium, either 3.5-inch diskette or quarter-inch tape, and insert the diskette or tape. The user will be asked to confirm that the specified medium has been inserted. If the user confirmation is negative, no software will be loaded.

Without arguments, load and loadc display a summary of the clusters in the Application SunOS and Developer's Toolkit, including the load state and size of each cluster.


To load the cluster that contains the spell.1 command:

example% load spell
Enter your distribution media type (1=1/4" tape, 2=3.5" diskette): 2
Insert diskette n to load the spellcheck cluster, confirm (y/n): y
Loading the spellcheck cluster ...
The spellcheck cluster has been loaded.
space used by clusters: 6021K bytes
total space remaining: 20432K bytes

To load the spellcheck cluster:

example% loadc spellcheck
Enter your distribution media type (1=1/4" tape, 2=3.5" diskette): 2
Insert diskette n to load the spellcheck, confirm (y/n): y
Loading the spellcheck cluster ...
The spellcheck cluster has been loaded.
space used by clusters: 6021K bytes
total space remaining: 20432K bytes

To display a summary of the clusters in the Application SunOS and Developer's Toolkit:

example% load
Application SunOS Optional Clusters:
    available	cluster	size (bytes)
    ---------	-------	----
      yes	accounting	265K
      no	advanced_admin	501K

Developer's Toolkit Optional Clusters: available cluster size (bytes) --------- ------- ---- no base_devel 6907K ... space used by clusters: 6021K bytes total space remaining: 20432K bytes example%

A cluster is available if it has been ``loaded'' using load or loadc or if it has been ``mounted'' across the network.


Used to specify the distribution media type for the system. It can be set to diskette to specify 3.5-inch diskette or tape to specify 1/4" tape. If it is set, load and loadc will not ask the user to enter the distribution media type.


where Application SunOS clusters are loaded (or mounted)
where Developer's Toolkit clusters are loaded (or mounted)
data files


cluster(1), unload.1 toc.5

Sun386i System Setup and Maintenance


Wrong diskette/tape
An incorrect diskette or tape was inserted. The user will again be asked to insert the specified media.
The file filename is not in any of the optional software clusters.
The specified file is not part of the Application SunOS or Developer's Toolkit.
There is no cluster cluster.
The specified cluster is not part of the Application SunOS or Developers Toolkit.
The cluster cluster is already loaded, overwrite? (y/n):
The specified cluster appears to have been loaded already. Type y followed by RETURN to have the cluster loaded or n followed by RETURN to cancel the loading of the cluster.
Cluster cluster requires nK; there is not enough disk space.
There is not enough disk space to hold the specified cluster.
The cluster cluster has not been loaded.
The loading of the specified cluster has been canceled or interrupted by the user.
The Application SunOS (and/or) Developers Toolkit are mounted.
The Application SunOS or Developers Toolkit or both are mounted across the network and can not be loaded or unloaded.
The tape/diskette drive is currently in use.
You are trying to load a cluster from tape (or diskette) and another process currently has control of the tape (or diskette) drive.

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97