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Manual page for SWITCHER(1)

switcher - switch attention between multiple SunView desktops on the same physical screen


switcher [ -d frame-buffer ] [ -s n|l|r|i|o|f ] [ -m x y ] [ -n ] [ -e 0|1 ]


This command is available with the [a manual with the abbreviation SVBG] software installation option. Refer to [a manual with the abbreviation INSTALL] for information on how to install optional software.


switcher is used as an alternative to adjacentscreens.1 for getting between desktops on the Sun-3/110. Clicking the switcher icon gets you to another desktop using some amusing video-wipe animation. When using walking menus, a menu is available to invoke the switch as well. switcher can also be used to simply set the enable plane to 0 or 1 should it get out of wack.


-d frame-buffer
The frame buffer is a frame buffer device name, such as /dev/fb, /dev/cgfour or /dev/bwtwo0, on which the desktop that you want to get to resides. This name is the same one supplied to sunview. The -d flag is optional; if not specified, the default device is /dev/fb
-s n|l|r|i|o|f
The -s flag specifies the type of animation used when switching: n (now), l (left wipe), r (right wipe), i (tunnel in), o (tunnel out), or f (fade). The -s flag is optional because if not specified, the default animation is to switch immediately. n (now) mode.
-mx y
The -m indicates what the mouse position should be on the destination desktop after the switch. An (x y) value-pair of (-1 -1) says to use the position of the mouse on the desktop at the time of the switch as the mouse position on the destination desktop. The -m flag is optional; if not specified, the default is (-1 -1).
The -n flag means no switcher icon is wanted so do the switch right now and exit switcher after the switch. This is handy if you want to switch from a root menu command.
-e 0|1
The -e flag causes the overlay enable plane of the device specified with the -d flag to be set to either 0 (show color) or 1 (show black and white). switcher run with this option has nothing to do with SunView, only the enable plane is set.


A common multiple desktop configuration for the Sun-3/110 is one monochrome and one color desktop. You could set up an instance of sunview.1 on each plane group in the following ways:

Invoke sunview in the color plane group by running:

example% sunview -8bit_color_only -toggle_enable

This starts sunview on the default frame buffer named /dev/fb but limits access to the color plane group.

In a shelltool.1 run:

example% sunview -d /dev/bwtwo0 -toggle_enable &

This starts sunview in the overlay plane that is accessed by /dev/bwtwo0.

In a shelltool on the original desktop run:

example% switcher -d /dev/bwtwo0 -s i &

Clicking on the switcher icon when it is visible moves you to the /dev/bwtwo0 desktop.

In a shelltool on the /dev/bwtwo0 desktop run:

example% switcher -s o &

Clicking on the switcher icon when it is visible moves you back to the /dev/fb desktop.




adjacentscreens.1 shelltool.1 sunview.1

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97