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Manual page for PORTMAP(3N)

pmap_getmaps, pmap_getport, pmap_rmtcall, pmap_set, pmap_unset, xdr_pamp, xdr_pmaplist - library routines for RPC bind service


These routines allow client C programs to make procedure calls to the RPC binder service. portmap.1 maintains a list of mappings between programs and their universal addresses.


#include <rpc/rpc.h>

struct pmaplist * pmap_getmaps(addr)
struct sockaddr_in *addr;

Return a list of the current RPC program-to-address mappings on the host located at IP address *addr. This routine returns NULL if the remote portmap service could not be contacted. The command `rpcinfo -p' uses this routine (see rpcinfo.8c

u_short pmap_getport(addr, prognum, versnum, protocol)
struct sockaddr_in *addr;
u_long prognum, versnum, protocol;

Return the port number on which waits a service that supports program number prognum, version versnum, and speaks the transport protocol protocol. The address is returned in addr, which should be preallocated. The value of protocol can be either IPPROTO_UDP or IPPROTO_TCP. A return value of zero means that the mapping does not exist or that the RPC system failed to contact the remote portmap service. In the latter case, the global variable rpc_createer (see rpc_clnt_create.3n contains the RPC status. If the requested version number is not registered, but at least a version number is registered for the given program number, the call returns a port number. Note: pmap_getport() returns the port number in host byte order. Some other network routines may require the port number in network byte order. For example, if the port number is used as part of the sockaddr_in structure, then it should be converted to network byte order using htons.3n

enum clnt_stat pmap_rmtcall(addr, prognum, versnum, procnum, inproc, in, outproc, out, timeout, portp)
struct sockaddr_in *addr;
u_long prognum, versnum, procnum;
char *in, *out;
xdrproc_t inproc, outproc;
struct timeval timeout;
u_long *portp;

Request that the portmap on the host at IP address *addr make an RPC on the behalf of the caller to a procedure on that host. *portp is modified to the program's port number if the procedure succeeds. The definitions of other parameters are discussed in callrpc() and clnt_call() (see rpc_clnt_calls.3n

Warning: If the requested remote procedure is not registered with the remote portmap then no error response is returned and the call times out. Also, no authentication is done.

bool_t pmap_set(prognum, versnum, protocol, port)
u_long prognum, versnum;
int protocol;
u_short port;

Registers a mapping between the triple [prognum,versnum,protocol] and port on the local machine's portmap service. The value of protocol can be either IPPROTO_UDP or IPPROTO_TCP. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise. It is called by servers to register themselves with the local portmap. Automatically done by svc_register().

bool_t pmap_unset(prognum, versnum)
u_long prognum, versnum;

Deregisters all mappings between the triple [prognum,versnum,*] and ports on the local machine's portmap service. It is called by servers to deregister themselves with the local portmap. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_pmap(xdrs, regp)
XDR *xdrs;
struct pmap *regp;

Used for creating parameters to various portmap procedures, externally. This routine is useful for users who wish to generate these parameters without using the pmap interface. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

bool_t xdr_pmaplist(xdrs, rp)
XDR *xdrs;
struct pmaplist **rp;

Used for creating a list of port mappings, externally. This routine is useful for users who wish to generate these parameters without using the pmap interface. This routine returns TRUE if it succeeds, FALSE otherwise.


rpc.3n portmap.8c rpcinfo.8c

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