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Manual page for GPONE(4S)

gpone - graphics processor


device gpone0 at vme24d16 ? csr 0x210000	# GP or GP+
device gpone0 at vme24d32 ? csr 0x240000	# GP2


The gpone interface provides access to the optional Graphics Processor Board (GP).

The hardware consumes 64 kilobytes of VME bus address space. The GP board starts at standard address 0x210000 and must be configured for interrupt level 4.


The graphics processor responds to a number of ioctl calls as described here. One of the calls uses a gp1fbinfo structure that looks like this:

struct	gp1fbinfo {
	int		fb_vmeaddr;	/* physical color board address */
	int		fb_hwwidth;	/* fb board width */
	int		fb_hwheight;	/* fb board height */
	int		addrdelta;	/* phys addr diff between fb and gp */
	caddr_t		fb_ropaddr;	/* cg2 va thru kernelmap */
	int		fbunit;		/* fb unit to use  for a,b,c,d */

The ioctl call looks like this:

ioctl(file, request, argp)
int file, request;

argp is defined differently for each GP ioctl request and is specified in the descriptions below.

The following ioctl commands provide for transferring data between the graphics processor and color boards and processes.

Passes information about the frame buffer into driver. argp points to a struct gp1fbinfo which is passed to the driver.
Hands out a static block from the GP. argp points to an int which is returned from the driver.
Frees a static block from the GP. argp points to an int which is passed to the driver.
Checks to see if there is a buffer present on the GP. argp points to an int which is returned from the driver.
Restarts the GP if necessary. argp points to an int which is passed to the driver.
Returns the number of restarts of a GP since power on. Needed to differentiate SIGXCPU calls in user processes. argp points to an int which is returned from the driver.
Configures /dev/fb to talk to a graphics processor device. argp points to an int which is passed to the driver.
Returns the requested minor device. argp points to a dev_t which is returned from the driver.
Returns the true minor device. argp points to a char which is returned from the driver.

The graphics processor driver also responds to the FBIOGTYPE, ioctl which a program can use to inquire as to the characteristics of the display device, the FBIOGINFO, ioctl for passing generic information, and the FBIOGPIXRECT ioctl so that SunWindows can run on it. See fbio.4s




fbio.4s mmap.2 gpconfig.8

[a manual with the abbreviation CGI]


The Graphics Processor has been restarted. You may see display garbage as a result.

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97