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Manual page for ORGRC(5)

orgrc - organizer configuration and initialization file


Sun386i systems only.


organizer.1 is a SunView 1 application for viewing and manipulating files and directories. It saves its parameters in the .orgrc file between runs. The user can use this file to configure organizer.

The first parameter in the file should always be the version number.

Version = 1.1

Change the version number only when necessary; if organizer determines that this version is ``old'', then it will save this version in ~/.orgrc.old and try to copy /usr/lib/Orgrc into ~/.orgrc.

The next two parameters assign default names for the system DOS Program and the default text editor.

DOS Program = dos
Text Editor = textedit

The DOS Program parameter should not be changed. However, the user can change the default text editor. For example:

Text Editor = shelltool vi

The Properties section initializes or customizes certain properties. The possible values for each item are listed below. The braces and vertical bars below indicate choices, they are not used in the .orgrc file. The Update Interval is in seconds.

#  Properties
PROPERTY Display Style = {Name and Icon | Name Only | Name and Info}
PROPERTY Roadmap = {Yes | No}
PROPERTY Show Hidden Files = {Yes | No}
PROPERTY Sort Type = {Name | File Type | Size | Date}
PROPERTY Sort Direction = {Ascending | Descending}
PROPERTY Update Interval = [5-300]

The Color Palette specifies all the color values used by organizer's buttons and icons. These values must be RGB triplets. It is listed below.

Begin Color Palette
    Background Color = 255, 255, 255
    Directory Name Color = 0, 146, 236
    Directory Icon Foreground Color = 114, 45, 0
    Directory Icon Background Color = 255, 227, 185
    Directory Highlight Name Color = 255, 255, 255
    Text Name Color = 0, 166, 143
    Text Icon Foreground Color = 0, 0, 0
    Text Icon Background Color = 255, 255, 255
    Text Highlight Name Color = 255, 255, 255
    Executable Name Color = 255, 0, 0
    Executable Icon Foreground Color = 157, 162, 187
    Executable Icon Background Color = 255, 255, 255
    Executable Highlight Name Color = 255, 255, 255
    Device Name Color = 113, 117, 135
    Device Icon Foreground Color = 0, 0, 0
    Device Icon Background Color = 174, 255, 159
    Device Highlight Name Color = 255, 255, 255
    Button Group1 Color = 255, 220, 187
    Button Group2 Color = 201, 211, 232
    Button Group3 Color = 255, 244, 113
    Button Foreground Color = 0, 0, 0
    Button Background Color = 255, 255, 255
    Button Shadow Color = 180, 180, 184
    Button Highlight Color = 0, 0, 0
    Scrollbar Color = 142, 106, 146
End Color Palette

The Color Labels section allows the labelling or ``aliasing'' of RGB triplets. The right side of a label assignment can contain an RGB triplet, a palette entry, or another label that has already been assigned. Here's an example:

Begin Color Labels
    Black = Text Icon Foreground Color
    White = Background Color
    Orange = 255, 213, 127
    Dark Red = 232, 0, 0
    Steel Blue = 114, 146, 161
    Rasberry (sic) = 202, 140, 156
    Dark Blue = 0, 75, 161
    Light Gray = 223, 223, 223
    Maroon = 182, 84, 106
End Color Labels

The rest of the .orgrc file contains user defined file types. The user can specify that certain files be grouped together and treated in a similar fashion. That is, the same icon is used to display all files in a file type, and the same command is used when a file is opened or edited. In the default .orgrc (/usr/lib/Orgrc) there are ten user defined file types. Here is an example of a user defined file type:

Begin File Type Definition
    Name = *.c
    Background Icon = /usr/include/images/cMask.icon
    Foreground Icon = /usr/include/images/cStencil.icon
    Name Color = Black
    Icon Background Color = Orange
    Icon Foreground Color = Black
    Highlight Name Color = White
    Execute Application = cmdtool vi "$(FILE)"
    Edit Application = cmdtool vi "$(FILE)"
    Print Application = pr -f "$(FILE)" | lpr
End File Type Definition

The right side of the Name field can contain any combination of csh.1 Filename Substitution characters. This field specifies the file type by way of its name. The next six fields together specify an organizer icon. This model allows a rich variety of icons. For more information, see the Sun386i Advanced Skills manual. The right side of the Execute Application entry specifies the command to execute when the user either opens or double clicks on a file of that type. The Edit Application and Print Application entries specify the command to execute when the user requests that a file of that type be edited or printed.


read at beginning of execution by the Organizer
default .orgrc file



Sun386i User's Guide
Sun386i Advanced Skills


The right side of Color Palette entries must be RGB triplets.

Forward references for Color Labels are not allowed.


organizer saves its parameters as it exits; unfortunately, it does not know how to save user's comments in the file. So, comments are blown away.

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97