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Manual page for RGB(5)

rgb - available colors (by name) for coloredit






Available only on Sun 386i systems running a SunOS 4.0.x release or earlier. Not a SunOS 4.1 release feature.


.rgb is an ASCII file containing consecutive lines terminated by newlines. Each line starts with three integers, each in the range 0-255. These integers are the RGB equivalent for the color named on the same line. At least one tab character delimits the last integer from the name field. The coloreditor searches for this file, first in the current directory; next, in the users home directory; and finally, in /usr/lib. The user can add to or delete from the .rgb file that he or she has access to, thus changing the available color table for subsequent invocations of coloredit.


The following is an example of a .rgb file.

0 0 0		Black
0 0 255		Blue
95 159 159	Cadet Blue
66 66 111	Cornflower Blue
107 35 142	Dark Slate Blue



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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97