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Manual page for TRANSLATE(5)

translate - input and output files for system message translation


Available only on Sun 386i systems running a SunOS 4.0.x release or earlier. Not a SunOS 4.1 release feature.


These files are used by syslogd.8 to translate systems messages. The input file is used to map system messages (in printf.3v format strings) to numbers. This number is then used to locate a new string in the output file.

An initial part of each line in the input file may specify that the message should be suppressed. Recognized suppression specifications are:

	(NONE)	Suppress the message always.
	(n)	Allow only one message every n seconds. ((10) for
	()	Do not suppress the message.  This can be used in a
		message that begins with a '('.

Note that the message suppression specification is optional. If not present, the message is not suppressed.

Each line in the output file translates the numbers from the input file into the desired error messages, and also specifies the format to be used to output each message. The order of parameters passed from the input message can be changed, by replacing the % of a format phrase with a %num$ where num is a digit string. For example, if num is 2, the second parameter on the input file line will be used. The value of num can be from 1 to the number of parameters in the input message.

If a string is translated to a number that is not found in the output file, the message is suppressed.


An example input file:

$quote "
1	"(NONE)(1) logopen test code: %s\n"
2	"(10)(2) logopen test code: %s\n"
3	"()(3) logopen test code: %s\n"
4	"()(4) logopen test code: %s\n"
5	"(10)(5) logopen testcode: %s * 100\n"
6	"(10)(6) logopen testcode: %s * 100\n"
7	"(10)(7) logopen testcode: %s * 100\n"
8	"(10)%s: %s\n"
9	"(10)\n%s: write failed, file system is full\n"
10	"(10)NFS server %s not responding still trying\n"
11	"(10)NFS %s failed for server %s: %s\n"
12	"(10)NFS server %s ok\n"
13	"(NONE)\n%s: write failed, file system is full\n"
14	"(10)NFS server %s not responding still trying\n"
15	"(100)NFS %s failed for server %s: %s\n"

An example output file:

$quote "
1	"TRANSLATION:(1) logopen test code: %s\n"
2	"TRANSLATION: (2) logopen test code: %s IS REALLY\n"
3	"TRANSLATION: (3) logopen test code: %s\n"
4	"TRANSLATION: (4) logopen test code: %s\n"
5	"TRANSLATION: (5) logopen testcode: %s * 100\n"
6	"TRANSLATION: (6) logopen testcode: %s * 100\n"
7	"TRANSLATION: (7) logopen testcode: %s * 100\n"
8	"TRANSLATION: %s: %s\n"
9	"TRANSLATION: \n%s: write failed, file system is full\n"
10	"TRANSLATION: NFS server %s not responding still trying\n"
11	"TRANSLATION: NFS %s failed for server %s: %s\n"
12	"TRANSLATION: NFS server %s ok\n"
13	"Out of disk on file system %s\n"
14	"Network file server %s not ok. Check your cable\n"
15	"Network file server %2$s down (%1$s, %3$s)\n"



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