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Manual page for UTMP(5V)

utmp, wtmp, lastlog - login records


#include <utmp.h>
#include <lastlog.h>


utmp file

The utmp file records information about who is currently using the system. The file is a sequence of utmp structure entries. That structure is defined in <utmp.h>, and contains the following members:
Character array containing the name of the terminal on which the user logged in.
Character array containing the name of the user who logged in.
Character array containing the name of the host from which the user remotely logged in, if they logged in from another host; otherwise, a null string.
long containing the time at which the user logged in, in seconds since 00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970.

Whenever a user logs in, login.1 fills in the entry in /etc/utmp for the terminal on which the user logged in. When they log out, init.8 clears that entry by setting ut_name and ut_host to null strings and ut_time to the time at which the user logged out.

Some window systems will make entries in utmp for terminal emulation windows running shells, so that library routines such as getlogin will work correctly in that window. These entries do not directly represent logged-in users; they are associated with a user who has already logged into the system on another terminal. These entries generally have a ut_line field that refers to a pseudo-terminal, and a ut_host field that is a null string. The macro nonuser, defined in <utmp.h>, takes a pointer to a utmp structure as an argument and, if the entry has a ut_line field that refers to a pseudo-terminal, and a ut_host field that is a null string, will return 1; otherwise, it will return 0. This can be used by programs that print information about logged-in users if they should not list entries made for logged-in users' additional windows.

wtmp file

The wtmp file records all logins and logouts. It also consists of a sequence of utmp entries.

Whenever a user logs in, login appends a record identical to the record it placed in utmp to the end of /var/adm/wtmp. Whenever a user logs out, init appends a record with ut_line equal to the terminal that the user was logged in on, ut_name and ut_host null, and ut_time equal to the time at which the user logged out.

When the system is shut down, init appends a record with a ut_line of ~, a ut_name of shutdown, a null ut_host, and a ut_time equal to the time at which the shutdown occurred. When the system is rebooted, init appends a record with a ut_line of ~, a ut_name of reboot, a null ut_host, and a ut_time equal to the time at which init wrote the record.

When the date command is used to change the system-maintained time, date appends a record with a ut_line of |, ut_name and ut_host null, and ut_time equal to the system time before the change, and then appends a record with a ut_line of {, ut_name and ut_host null, and ut_time equal to the system time after the change.

None of the programs that maintain wtmp create the file, so that if record-keeping is to be enabled, it must be created by hand as a zero-length file, and if it is removed, record-keeping is turned off. It is summarized by ac.8

As wtmp is appended to whenever a user logs in or out, it should be truncated periodically so that it does not consume all the disk space on its file system.

lastlog file

The lastlog file records the most recent login-date for every user logged in. The file is a sequence of lastlog structure entries. That structure is defined in <lastlog.h>, and contains the following members:
long containing the time at which the user logged in, in seconds since 00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970.
Character array containing the name of the terminal on which the user logged in.
Character array containing the name of the host from which the user remotely logged in, if they logged in from another host; otherwise, a null string.

When reporting (and updating) the most recent login date, login performs an lseek.2v to a byte-offset in /var/adm/lastlog corresponding to the userid. Because the count of userids may be high, whereas the number actual users may be small within a network environment, the bulk of this file may never be allocated by the file system even though an offset may appear to be quite large. Although ls.1v may show it to be large, chances are that this file need not be truncated. du.1v will report the correct (smaller) amount of space actually allocated to it.


For XPG2 conformance, the XPG2 private utmp structure is preserved for use by compliant applications that specifically use the utmp structure. The structure is defined in /usr/xpg2include/utmp.h. Note: this structure definition was removed in XPG3, and will be removed in a future SunOS release. Applications using the XPG2 utmp structure must do so on an application private basis.




login.1 who.1 ac.8 init.8

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