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Manual page for DRAW(6)

draw, bdraw, cdraw - interactive graphics drawing




The draw programs are menu-driven programs which use the mouse, keyboard, bitmap display and optionally the color display to draw objects, drag them around, save them on disk, and so on. bdraw is the draw program for the black and white display and cdraw is the program for driving the color display.

The main menu items are selected by moving the mouse cursor and pressing the left mouse button. To redraw the display, point at the left edge of the main menu box and press the left button. The main menu items are:

New Seg xlate
Open a new translatable segment. A segment is a collection of attributes and primitives (lines, text, polygons, etc.). A translatable segment may subsequently be positioned.
New Seg xform
Open a new transformable segment. A transformable segment may subsequently be rotated, scaled, or positioned.
Delete Seg
To delete a segment, point at any primitive in the segment and press the left button.
To add line primitives to the currently open segment, position cursor, press the left button, ... press right button to quit.
To add a polygon primitive to the currently open segment, position the cursor, press the left button, ... press the right button to terminate the boundary definition. Polygons are filled with the current fill attribute.
To add a raster primitive to the currently open segment, position the cursor, press the left button to reposition the box, adjust the box by moving the mouse, press the right button to create the raster primitive comprising the boxed bitmap. A `rasterfile' is also created on disk for hardcopy purposes (see /usr/include/rasterfile.h). This `rasterfile' file may be spooled to a Versatec printer/plotter for hardcopy after exiting from the draw program. The command to do this is lpr -v rasterfile.
To add a text primitive to the currently open segment, position cursor, press left button, type the text string at the keyboard (back space works), hit return. Text is drawn with the current text attributes.
To add marker primitives to the currently open segment, position cursor, press the left button to place marker, ... press the right button to quit.
To position a segment, point at any primitive in the segment, press left button, position the segment, press right button to quit.
To rotate a transformable segment, point at any primitive in the segment, press left button, move mouse to rotate, press right button to quit.
To scale a transformable segment, point at any primitive in the segment, press the left button, move mouse to scale in x or y, press right button to quit.
This item brings up the attribute menu. To select an attribute such as text font, region fill texture (color), linestyle, or line width, point at the item and press the left button. Point at the left edge of the menu box to quit.
Save Seg
To save a segment on a disk file, point at the segment, press the left button, type the disk file name, hit return.
Restore Seg
To restore a previously saved segment from disk, type file name, hit return.
Exit the draw program.


Rasters and raster text do not scale or rotate. If segments completely overlap, only the last one drawn may be picked by pointing with the mouse. This also applies to the menu segments! Therefore, don't cover them up with polygons. If aborted with your interrupt character, you must give the `reset' command to turn keyboard echo back on and to reset -cbreak. Therefore, use the Exit item in the main menu to exit the program.

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97