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Manual page for INTR(8)

intr - allow a command to be interruptible


intr [ -anv ] [ -t seconds ] command [ arguments ]


intr executes command after altering the execution environment to make command to be interrutable.

Since interactive commands are by default interruptable, intr is intended for use as a wrapper around commands started by the /etc/rc files; commands spawned from these files are not interruptable by default. It has no other intended use than as a wrapper around /etc/rc commands.

The following signals are ignored as a result of wrapping intr around a command:

terminal generated stop signal
background read
background write

The following signals are reset to their default actions:

interrupt signal
quit signal


Echo the command in the form ' command' (note leading SPACE).
Echo the command and its arguments.
Do not echo a NEWLINE after the command or arguments (for example `echo -n ...').
-t secs
Arrange to have a SIGALRM signal delivered to the command in secs seconds.


All of these examples assume that they are in an /etc/rc file, that is, talking to the console, and not run interactively. The following example runs fsck.8 but allow it to be killed from the console:

intr fsck -p -w / /usr

Echoing is provided so that

ypbind; echo -n ' ypbind'

can be replaced with

intr -vn ypbind

Timeouts are provided so that the machine will not hang at boot:

intr -t 10 rdate date_host


echo.1v login.1 init.8 rc.8


The -v option is a kludge.

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97