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Manual page for PNPBOOT(8C)

pnpboot, pnp.s386 - pnp diskless boot service




Available only on Sun 386i systems running a SunOS 4.0.x release or earlier. Not a SunOS 4.1 release feature.


pnp.s386 is a level 2 boot program that requests actions necessary to set up a diskless workstation on the network.

The PNP diskless boot service is used by diskless workstations at installation time to locate a server that will configure the diskless client.

The last steps of the level 1 boot (from the PROM) are to load the level 2 program through rarpd.8c and tftpd.8c The first step in the boot sequence is RARP to acquire an IP address. This is followed by TFTP service calls to acquire the pnp.sun* program file needed for the client's architecture. A PNP_ACQUIRE RPC is then broadcast to locate a server willing to configure the diskless client.

A PNP_SETUP is issued to the server which returns one of three statuses: success, failure, or in_progress. As long as the server responds with a status of in_progress the client will periodically issue a PNP_POLL until the status changes to either success or failure.

The last step is to reboot the client. This goes through a RARP, TFTP, BOOT sequence, with the boot using the normal boot.sun* file and bootparamd.8 service.

The system will have been set up using the IP address returned in the first step and a system name will have been assigned.




bootparam.3r bootparams.5 boot.8s bootparamd.8 ipallocd.8c netconfig.8c pnpd.8c rarpd.8c tftpd.8c

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