Hi there, this is Ulas's web page (the name is pronounced like this: Ooh - lush , but try to make the "Ooh" part short). I actually don't like personal web pages (unless they are hillarious like this one), but I had to have one, due to professional reasons. So I'll try to make it as unpersonal as possible.

I 'm currently working on my PhD at the University of Osnabrueck in Germany, at the Graduate School Rules and Patterns.

By the way, I've recently heard that Beck is a scientologist!!  Can you believe that?

The origins of symbol use and communication in preverbal categorization: A situated perspective

This is a continuation of my thesis, which you can read here. And the original proposal is over here. There's even a CV, for those of you who would like to offer me my dream job with a huge salary. After I finish my PhD, of course.

The thesis is supervised by Prof. Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger, and I've been working closely with Roul S. John. Both are great guys, so don't hesitate to click on the links. They even have photos on their websites. Roul also has some cool  things he has written on his website, most of which I agree with scientifically. Unfortunately it's in German.

What I want to do is model symbol use and generation with embodied agents.
Why symbols? Because you don't have sophisticated (i.e. human level) intelligence without them, it seems, and I believe that symbols and symbolic behavior don't come out from the blue. They should be modelled just like any other kind of behavior.
Why embodied agents? First of all, I take embodied to mean something very simple: physical, i.e. robotic. There are a number of reasons for prefering robots, but the following two are the most important, in my humble opinion:
  1. Practical: They force one to take into account motoric and sensory aspects of intelligence
  2. Theoretical: Embodied experience provides the common context in which all content can be grounded. (Stated crudely here. If you want to have a better idea, have a look at Richard Dreyfus' work).
For the fascinating, exhilarating, breath-taking, all-new, revolutionary and crystal-clear details see my thesis and proposal. They're much more modest than the website.


None yet, since I'm a lazy rascal. If you don't count the thesis, of course.