Swing Features
Trail: Graphical User Interfaces

Lesson: Swing Features

PasswordStore shows some of the rich functionality of a particular Swing application. This lesson discusses the general features available to applications using the Java SE platform and, in particular, the Swing toolkit.

A Visual Guide to Swing Components (Java Look and Feel)

Swing is primarily known for its rich set of GUI components. This section provides a visual menu of Swing's components, grouped by type, using the Java look and feel.

A Visual Guide to Swing Components (Windows Look and Feel)

This page shows the same components, using the Windows look and feel.

Pluggable Look and Feel

The pluggable look and feel architecture allows a program to have control over its appearance. This section describes what options are available to the programmer.

Data Transfer

Most programs will want to use drag and drop or cut, copy and paste. This section talks a bit about data transfer and what is implemented for you.

Internationalization and Localization

Internationalizing an application makes it easy to tailor it to the customs and languages of end users around the world. This section describes the difference between internationalization and localization.


Making your program accessible means that it can be used, without modification, by anyone with permanent or temporary disabilities who may require special devices. And, in many countries, making programs accessible is the law.

Integrating with the Desktop

An application that is well integrated with the desktop will, where appropriate, allow the user to launch the default mail application or internet browser, pre-populating text fields as needed. It will also allow the user to launch another application to open, edit or print a file associated with that application.

System Tray Icon Support

Some platforms, such as Microsoft Windows, feature a system tray on the desktop. As of version 6 of the Java SE, your application can now add a tray icon to the system tray.

If you are interested in using JavaFX to create your GUI, see the JavaFX 2.0 Documentation.

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Next page: A Visual Guide to Swing Components (Java Look and Feel)