A Brief Introduction to the Swing Package
Trail: Graphical User Interfaces

Lesson: A Brief Introduction to the Swing Package

This lesson gives you a brief introduction to the capabilities of the Java SE platform that pertain to developing programs with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Next, it shows you a demo (sample code provided) that showcases many of these features.

The next lesson, Swing Features discusses these capabilities in more detail.

What is Swing?

The Swing toolkit, shipped as part of the Java SE platform, provides a rich set of GUI components. But Swing offers much more functionality than a collection of standard widgets. This section takes a look at Swing's rich functionality.

A Swing Demo

A rich multi-class Swing application, PasswordStore, is presented. The source code is provided as a reference to the user.

If you are interested in using JavaFX to create your GUI, see Getting Started with Java FX.

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