Flash Weather

Flash Weather, API Specification

This document is the API specification of the Flash Weather Classes.


de.flashweather.graph2d.base Provides the base classes that represent graphic objects.
de.flashweather.graph2d.clip Provides an interface for several clipping algorithms and a class implementing this interface.
de.flashweather.graph2d.project Provides interfaces and classes for the projection of simple Point or complex Shape objects.
de.flashweather.graph2d.vectorize Provides an interface and classes for the vectorization of raster data.
de.flashweather.io.grib Provides all classes that allow the acces to the information and the data of a GRIB file.
de.flashweather.io.shape Provides the abstract base class that represents an XML document containing graphic objects (shapes).
de.flashweather.io.util Provides some helper classes to read from input streams and XML documents.


This document is the API specification of the Flash Weather Classes.

Flash Weather

© 2001 Benjamin Stark