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Manual page for CURSES(3V)

curses - System V terminal screen handling and optimization package


The curses manual page is organized as follows:




In ROUTINES, descriptions of curses routines are grouped under the appropriate topics:

In SYSTEM V ROUTINES, descriptions of curses routines are grouped under the appropriate topics:

Then come sections on:

cc [ flags ] files -lcurses -ltermcap [ libraries ]

#include <curses.h>
(automatically includes <stdio.h> and <unctl.h>.)

The parameters in the following list are not global variables. This is a summary of the parameters used by the curses library routines. All routines return the int values ERR or OK unless otherwise noted. Routines that return pointers always return NULL on error. ERR, OK , and NULL are all defined in <curses.h>.) Routines that return integers are not listed in the parameter list below.

bool bf
char **area,*boolnames[], *boolcodes[], *boolfnames[], *bp
char *cap, *capname, codename[2], erasechar, *filename, *fmt
char *keyname, killchar, *label, *longname
char *name, *numnames[], *numcodes[], *numfnames[]
char *slk_label, *str, *strnames[], *strcodes[], *strfnames[]
char *term, *tgetstr, *tigetstr, *tgoto, *tparm, *type
chtype attrs, ch, horch, vertch
FILE *infd, *outfd
int begin_x, begin_y, begline, bot, c, col, count
int dmaxcol, dmaxrow, dmincol, dminrow, *errret, fildes
int (*init()), labfmt, labnum, line
int ms, ncols, new, newcol, newrow, nlines, numlines
int oldcol, oldrow, overlay
int p1, p2, p9, pmincol, pminrow, (*putc()), row
int smaxcol, smaxrow, smincol, sminrow, start
int tenths, top, visibility, x, y
SCREEN *new, *newterm, *set_term
TERMINAL *cur_term, *nterm, *oterm
va_list varglist
WINDOW *curscr, *dstwin, *initscr, *newpad, *newwin, *orig
WINDOW *pad, *srcwin, *stdscr, *subpad, *subwin, *win


/usr/5bin/cc [ flag ...] file ... -lcurses [ library ...]

#include <curses.h>
(automatically includes <stdio.h>, <termio.h>, and <unctrl.h>).


These routines give the user a method of updating screens with reasonable optimization. They keep an image of the current screen, and the user sets up an image of a new one. Then the refresh() tells the routines to make the current screen look like the new one. In order to initialize the routines, the routine initscr() must be called before any of the other routines that deal with windows and screens are used. The routine endwin() should be called before exiting.


The curses routines give the user a terminal-independent method of updating screens with reasonable optimization.

In order to initialize the routines, the routine initscr() or newterm() must be called before any of the other routines that deal with windows and screens are used. Three exceptions are noted where they apply. The routine endwin() must be called before exiting. To get character-at-a-time input without echoing, (most interactive, screen oriented programs want this) after calling initscr() you should call `cbreak (); noecho ();' Most programs would additionally call `nonl (); intrflush(stdscr, FALSE); keypad(stdscr, TRUE);'.

Before a curses program is run, a terminal's TAB stops should be set and its initialization strings, if defined, must be output. This can be done by executing the tset command in your .profile or .login file. For further details, see tset.1 and the Tabs and Initialization subsection of terminfo.5v

The curses library contains routines that manipulate data structures called windows that can be thought of as two-dimensional arrays of characters representing all or part of a terminal screen. A default window called stdscr is supplied, which is the size of the terminal screen. Others may be created with newwin(). Windows are referred to by variables declared as WINDOW *; the type WINDOW is defined in <curses.h> to be a C structure. These data structures are manipulated with routines described below, among which the most basic are move() and addch(). More general versions of these routines are included with names beginning with w, allowing you to specify a window. The routines not beginning with w usually affect stdscr. Then refresh() is called, telling the routines to make the user's terminal screen look like stdscr. The characters in a window are actually of type chtype, so that other information about the character may also be stored with each character.

Special windows called pads may also be manipulated. These are windows that are not constrained to the size of the screen and whose contents need not be displayed completely. See the description of newpad() under Window and Pad Manipulation for more information.

In addition to drawing characters on the screen, video attributes may be included that cause the characters to show up in modes such as underlined or in reverse video on terminals that support such display enhancements. Line drawing characters may be specified to be output. On input, curses is also able to translate arrow and function keys that transmit escape sequences into single values. The video attributes, line drawing characters, and input values use names, defined in <curses.h>, such as A_REVERSE, ACS_HLINE, and KEY_LEFT.

curses also defines the WINDOW * variable, curscr, which is used only for certain low-level operations like clearing and redrawing a garbaged screen. curscr can be used in only a few routines. If the window argument to clearok() is curscr, the next call to wrefresh() with any window will clear and repaint the screen from scratch. If the window argument to wrefresh() is curscr, the screen in immediately cleared and repainted from scratch. This is how most programs would implement a ``repaint-screen'' function. More information on using curscr is provided where its use is appropriate.

The environment variables LINES and COLUMNS may be set to override curses's idea of how large a screen is.

If the environment variable TERMINFO is defined, any program using curses will check for a local terminal definition before checking in the standard place. For example, if the environment variable TERM is set to sun, then the compiled terminal definition is found in /usr/share/lib/terminfo/s/sun. The s is copied from the first letter of sun to avoid creation of huge directories.) However, if TERMINFO is set to $HOME/myterms, curses will first check $HOME/myterms/s/sun, and, if that fails, will then check /usr/share/lib/terminfo/s/sun. This is useful for developing experimental definitions or when write permission on /usr/share/lib/terminfo is not available.

The integer variables LINES and COLS are defined in <curses.h>, and will be filled in by initscr() with the size of the screen. For more information, see the subsection Terminfo-Level Manipulations. The constants TRUE and FALSE have the values 1 and 0, respectively. The constants ERR and OK are returned by routines to indicate whether the routine successfully completed. These constants are also defined in <curses.h>.


Many of the following routines have two or more versions. The routines prefixed with w require a window argument. The routines prefixed with p require a pad argument. Those without a prefix generally use stdscr.

The routines prefixed with mv require y and x coordinates to move to before performing the appropriate action. The mv routines imply a call to move() before the call to the other routine. The window argument is always specified before the coordinates. y always refers to the row (of the window), and x always refers to the column. The upper left corner is always (0,0), not (1,1). The routines prefixed with mvw take both a window argument and y and x coordinates.

In each case, win is the window affected and pad is the pad affected. (win and pad are always of type WINDOW *.) Option-setting routines require a boolean flag bf with the value TRUE or FALSE. (bf is always of type bool.) The types WINDOW, bool, and chtype are defined in <curses.h> (see SYNOPSIS for a summary of what types all variables are).

All routines return either the integer ERR or the integer OK, unless otherwise noted. Routines that return pointers always return NULL on error.

Overall Screen Manipulation

WINDOW *initscr()
The first routine called should almost always be initscr(). The exceptions are slk_init(), filter(), and ripoffline(). This will determine the terminal type and initialize all curses data structures. initscr() also arranges that the first call to refresh() will clear the screen. If errors occur, initscr() will write an appropriate error message to standard error and exit; otherwise, a pointer to stdscr is returned. If the program wants an indication of error conditions, newterm() should be used instead of initscr(). initscr() should only be called once per application.
A program should always call endwin() before exiting or escaping from curses mode temporarily, to do a shell escape or system.3 call, for example. This routine will restore termio.4 modes, move the cursor to the lower left corner of the screen and reset the terminal into the proper non-visual mode. To resume after a temporary escape, call wrefresh() or doupdate().

Window and Pad Manipulation

wrefresh (win)
These routines (or prefresh(), pnoutrefresh(), wnoutrefresh(), or doupdate()) must be called to write output to the terminal, as most other routines merely manipulate data structures. wrefresh() copies the named window to the physical terminal screen, taking into account what is already there in order to minimize the amount of information that's sent to the terminal (called optimization). refresh() does the same thing, except it uses stdscr as a default window. Unless leaveok() has been enabled, the physical cursor of the terminal is left at the location of the window's cursor. The number of characters output to the terminal is returned.
Note: refresh() is a macro.
WINDOW *newwin (nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
Create and return a pointer to a new window with the given number of lines (or rows), nlines, and columns, ncols. The upper left corner of the window is at line begin_y, column begin_x. If either nlines or ncols is 0, they will be set to the value of lines-begin_y and cols-begin_x. A new full-screen window is created by calling newwin(0,0,0,0).
mvwin (win, y, x)
Move the window so that the upper left corner will be at position (y, x). If the move would cause the window to be off the screen, it is an error and the window is not moved.
WINDOW *subwin (orig, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
Create and return a pointer to a new window with the given number of lines (or rows), nlines, and columns, ncols. The window is at position ( begin_y, begin_x) on the screen. This position is relative to the screen, and not to the window orig. The window is made in the middle of the window orig, so that changes made to one window will affect both windows. When using this routine, often it will be necessary to call touchwin() or touchline() on orig before calling wrefresh.
delwin (win)
Delete the named window, freeing up all memory associated with it. In the case of overlapping windows, subwindows should be deleted before the main window.


These routines are used to ``draw'' text on windows.

addch (ch)
waddch (win, ch)
mvaddch (y, x, ch)
mvwaddch (win, y, x, ch)
The character ch is put into the window at the current cursor position of the window and the position of the window cursor is advanced. Its function is similar to that of putchar() (see putc.3s At the right margin, an automatic newline is performed. At the bottom of the scrolling region, if scrollok() is enabled, the scrolling region will be scrolled up one line.

If ch is a TAB, NEWLINE, or backspace, the cursor will be moved appropriately within the window. A NEWLINE also does a clrtoeol() before moving. TAB characters are considered to be at every eighth column. If ch is another control character, it will be drawn in the CTRL-X notation. (Calling winch() after adding a control character will not return the control character, but instead will return the representation of the control character.)

Video attributes can be combined with a character by or-ing them into the parameter. This will result in these attributes also being set. The intent here is that text, including attributes, can be copied from one place to another using inch() and addch(). See standout(), below.

Note: ch is actually of type chtype, not a character.

Note: addch(), mvaddch(), and mvwaddch() are macros.

addstr (str)
waddstr (win, str)
mvwaddstr (win, y, x, str)
mvaddstr (y, x, str)
These routines write all the characters of the null-terminated character string str on the given window. This is equivalent to calling waddch() once for each character in the string.

Note: addstr(), mvaddstr(), and mvwaddstr() are macros.

box (win, vertch, horch)
A box is drawn around the edge of the window, win. vertch and horch are the characters the box is to be drawn with. If vertch and horch are 0, then appropriate default characters, ACS_VLINE and ACS_HLINE, will be used.

Note: vertch and horch are actually of type chtype, not characters.

werase (win)
These routines copy blanks to every position in the window.

Note: erase() is a macro.

wclear (win)
These routines are like erase() and werase(), but they also call clearok(), arranging that the screen will be cleared completely on the next call to wrefresh() for that window, and repainted from scratch.

Note: clear() is a macro.

wclrtobot (win)
All lines below the cursor in this window are erased. Also, the current line to the right of the cursor, inclusive, is erased.

Note: clrtobot() is a macro.

wclrtoeol (win)
The current line to the right of the cursor, inclusive, is erased.

Note: clrtoeol() is a macro.

wdelch (win)
mvdelch (y, x)
mvwdelch (win, y, x)
The character under the cursor in the window is deleted. All characters to the right on the same line are moved to the left one position and the last character on the line is filled with a blank. The cursor position does not change (after moving to (y, x), if specified). This does not imply use of the hardware ``delete-character'' feature.

Note: delch(), mvdelch(), and mvwdelch() are macros.

wdeleteln (win)
The line under the cursor in the window is deleted. All lines below the current line are moved up one line. The bottom line of the window is cleared. The cursor position does not change. This does not imply use of the hardware ``delete-line'' feature.

Note: deleteln() is a macro.

getyx (win, y, x)
The cursor position of the window is placed in the two integer variables y and x. This is implemented as a macro, so no `&' is necessary before the variables.

insch (ch)
winsch (win, ch)
mvwinsch (win, y, x, ch)
mvinsch (y, x, ch)
The character ch is inserted before the character under the cursor. All characters to the right are moved one SPACE to the right, possibly losing the rightmost character of the line. The cursor position does not change (after moving to (y, x), if specified). This does not imply use of the hardware ``insert-character'' feature.

Note: ch is actually of type chtype, not a character.

Note: insch(), mvinsch(), and mvwinsch() are macros.

winsertln (win)
A blank line is inserted above the current line and the bottom line is lost. This does not imply use of the hardware ``insert-line'' feature.

Note: insertln() is a macro.

move (y, x)
wmove (win, y, x)
The cursor associated with the window is moved to line (row) y, column x. This does not move the physical cursor of the terminal until refresh() is called. The position specified is relative to the upper left corner of the window, which is (0, 0).

Note: move() is a macro.

overlay (srcwin, dstwin)
overwrite (srcwin, dstwin)
These routines overlay srcwin on top of dstwin; that is, all text in srcwin is copied into dstwin. scrwin and dstwin need not be the same size; only text where the two windows overlap is copied. The difference is that overlay() is non-destructive (blanks are not copied), while overwrite() is destructive.

printw (fmt [, arg...])
wprintw (win, fmt [, arg...])
mvprintw (y, x, fmt [, arg...])
mvwprintw (win, y, x, fmt [, arg...])
These routines are analogous to printf.3v The string that would be output by printf.3v is instead output using waddstr() on the given window.
scroll (win)
The window is scrolled up one line. This involves moving the lines in the window data structure. As an optimization, if the window is stdscr and the scrolling region is the entire window, the physical screen will be scrolled at the same time.

touchwin (win)
touchline (win, start, count)
Throw away all optimization information about which parts of the window have been touched, by pretending that the entire window has been drawn on. This is sometimes necessary when using overlapping windows, since a change to one window will affect the other window, but the records of which lines have been changed in the other window will not reflect the change. touchline() only pretends that count lines have been changed, beginning with line start.


wgetch (win)
mvgetch (y, x)
mvwgetch (win, y, x)
A character is read from the terminal associated with the window. In NODELAY mode, if there is no input waiting, the value ERR is returned. In DELAY mode, the program will hang until the system passes text through to the program. Depending on the setting of cbreak(), this will be after one character (CBREAK mode), or after the first newline (NOCBREAK mode). In HALF-DELAY mode, the program will hang until a character is typed or the specified timeout has been reached. Unless noecho() has been set, the character will also be echoed into the designated window. No refresh() will occur between the move() and the getch() done within the routines mvgetch() and mvwgetch().

When using getch(), wgetch(), mvgetch(), or mvwgetch(), do not set both NOCBREAK mode (nocbreak()) and ECHO mode (echo()) at the same time. Depending on the state of the terminal driver when each character is typed, the program may produce undesirable results.

If keypad (win, TRUE) has been called, and a function key is pressed, the token for that function key will be returned instead of the raw characters. See keypad() under Input Options Setting. Possible function keys are defined in <curses.h> with integers beginning with 0401, whose names begin with KEY_. If a character is received that could be the beginning of a function key (such as escape), curses will set a timer. If the remainder of the sequence is not received within the designated time, the character will be passed through, otherwise the function key value will be returned. For this reason, on many terminals, there will be a delay after a user presses the escape key before the escape is returned to the program. Use by a programmer of the escape key for a single character routine is discouraged. Also see notimeout() below.

Note: getch(), mvgetch(), and mvwgetch() are macros.

getstr (str)
wgetstr (win, str)
mvgetstr (y, x, str)
mvwgetstr (win, y, x, str)
A series of calls to getch() is made, until a newline, carriage return, or enter key is received. The resulting value is placed in the area pointed at by the character pointer str. The user's erase and kill characters are interpreted. As in mvgetch(), no refresh() is done between the move() and getstr() within the routines mvgetstr() and mvwgetstr().

Note: getstr(), mvgetstr(), and mvwgetstr() are macros.

winch (win)
mvinch (y, x)
mvwinch (win, y, x)
The character, of type chtype, at the current position in the named window is returned. If any attributes are set for that position, their values will be OR'ed into the value returned. The predefined constants A_CHARTEXT and A_ATTRIBUTES, defined in <curses.h>, can be used with the C logical AND (&) operator to extract the character or attributes alone.

Note: inch(), winch(), mvinch(), and mvwinch() are macros.

scanw (fmt[,arg...]")
wscanw (win, fmt [, arg...])
mvscanw (y, x, fmt [, arg...])
mvwscanw (win, y, x, fmt [, arg...])
These routines correspond to scanf.3v as do their arguments and return values. wgetstr() is called on the window, and the resulting line is used as input for the scan.

Output Options Setting

These routines set options within curses that deal with output. All options are initially FALSE, unless otherwise stated. It is not necessary to turn these options off before calling endwin().

clearok (win, bf)
If enabled (bf is TRUE), the next call to wrefresh() with this window will clear the screen completely and redraw the entire screen from scratch. This is useful when the contents of the screen are uncertain, or in some cases for a more pleasing visual effect.
idlok (win, bf)
If enabled (bf is TRUE), curses will consider using the hardware ``insert/delete-line'' feature of terminals so equipped. If disabled (bf is FALSE), curses will very seldom use this feature. The ``insert/delete-character'' feature is always considered. This option should be enabled only if your application needs ``insert/delete-line'', for example, for a screen editor. It is disabled by default because ``insert/delete-line'' tends to be visually annoying when used in applications where it is not really needed. If ``insert/delete-line'' cannot be used, curses will redraw the changed portions of all lines.
leaveok (win, bf)
Normally, the hardware cursor is left at the location of the window cursor being refreshed. This option allows the cursor to be left wherever the update happens to leave it. It is useful for applications where the cursor is not used, since it reduces the need for cursor motions. If possible, the cursor is made invisible when this option is enabled.

scrollok (win, bf)
This option controls what happens when the cursor of a window is moved off the edge of the window or scrolling region, either from a newline on the bottom line, or typing the last character of the last line. If disabled (bf is FALSE), the cursor is left on the bottom line at the location where the offending character was entered. If enabled (bf is TRUE), wrefresh() is called on the window, and then the physical terminal and window are scrolled up one line. Note: in order to get the physical scrolling effect on the terminal, it is also necessary to call idlok().

These routines control whether NEWLINE is translated into RETURN and LINEFEED on output, and whether RETURN is translated into NEWLINE on input. Initially, the translations do occur. By disabling these translations using nonl(), curses is able to make better use of the linefeed capability, resulting in faster cursor motion.

Input Options Setting

These routines set options within curses that deal with input. The options involve using ioctl.2 and therefore interact with curses routines. It is not necessary to turn these options off before calling endwin().

For more information on these options, refer to [a manual with the abbreviation PUL].

These two routines put the terminal into and out of CBREAK mode, respectively. In CBREAK mode, characters typed by the user are immediately available to the program and erase/kill character processing is not performed. When in NOCBREAK mode, the tty driver will buffer characters typed until a NEWLINE or RETURN is typed. Interrupt and flow-control characters are unaffected by this mode (see termio.4 Initially the terminal may or may not be in CBREAK mode, as it is inherited, therefore, a program should call cbreak() or nocbreak() explicitly. Most interactive programs using curses will set CBREAK mode.

Note: cbreak() overrides raw(). See getch() under Input for a discussion of how these routines interact with echo() and noecho().

These routines control whether characters typed by the user are echoed by getch() as they are typed. Echoing by the tty driver is always disabled, but initially getch() is in ECHO mode, so characters typed are echoed. Authors of most interactive programs prefer to do their own echoing in a controlled area of the screen, or not to echo at all, so they disable echoing by calling noecho(). See getch() under Input for a discussion of how these routines interact with cbreak() and nocbreak().
The terminal is placed into or out of RAW mode. RAW mode is similar to CBREAK mode, in that characters typed are immediately passed through to the user program. The differences are that in RAW mode, the interrupt, quit, suspend, and flow control characters are passed through uninterpreted, instead of generating a signal. RAW mode also causes 8-bit input and output. The behavior of the BREAK key depends on other bits in the terminal driver that are not set by curses.

Environment Queries

Returns the output speed of the terminal. The number returned is in bits per second, for example, 9600, and is an integer.
char erasechar()
The user's current erase character is returned.
char killchar()
The user's current line-kill character is returned.
char *longname()
This routine returns a pointer to a static area containing a verbose description of the current terminal. The maximum length of a verbose description is 128 characters. It is defined only after the call to initscr() or newterm(). The area is overwritten by each call to newterm() and is not restored by set_term(), so the value should be saved between calls to newterm() if longname() is going to be used with multiple terminals.

Low-Level curses Access

The following routines give low-level access to various curses functionality. These routines typically would be used inside of library routines.

These routines save and restore the state of the terminal modes. savetty() saves the current state of the terminal in a buffer and resetty() restores the state to what it was at the last call to savetty().


unctrl (c)
This macro expands to a character string which is a printable representation of the character c. Control characters are displayed in the ^X notation. Printing characters are displayed as is.

unctrl() is a macro, defined in <unctrl.h>, which is automatically included by <curses.h>.

set flush-on-refresh flag for win
get terminal capability name
mark overlap of win1 on win2 as changed

Use of curscr

The special window curscr can be used in only a few routines. If the window argument to clearok() is curscr, the next call to wrefresh() with any window will cause the screen to be cleared and repainted from scratch. If the window argument to wrefresh() is curscr, the screen is immediately cleared and repainted from scratch. This is how most programs would implement a ``repaint-screen'' routine. The source window argument to overlay(), overwrite(), and copywin may be curscr, in which case the current contents of the virtual terminal screen will be accessed.

Obsolete Calls

Various routines are provided to maintain compatibility in programs written for older versions of the curses library. These routines are all emulated as indicated below.

Replaced by cbreak().
A no-op.
Replaced by nocbreak().


The above routines are available as described except for flusok(), getcap() and touchoverlap() which are not available.

In addition, the following routines are available:

Overall Screen Manipulation

Returns TRUE if endwin() has been called without any subsequent calls to wrefresh().
SCREEN *newterm(type, outfd, infd)
A program that outputs to more than one terminal must use newterm() for each terminal instead of initscr(). A program that wants an indication of error conditions, so that it may continue to run in a line-oriented mode if the terminal cannot support a screen-oriented program, must also use this routine. newterm() should be called once for each terminal. It returns a variable of type SCREEN* that should be saved as a reference to that terminal. The arguments are the type of the terminal to be used in place of the environment variable TERM; outfd, a stdio.3v file pointer for output to the terminal; and infd, another file pointer for input from the terminal. When it is done running, the program must also call endwin() for each terminal being used. If newterm() is called more than once for the same terminal, the first terminal referred to must be the last one for which endwin() is called.
SCREEN *set_term (new)
This routine is used to switch between different terminals. The screen reference new becomes the new current terminal. A pointer to the screen of the previous terminal is returned by the routine. This is the only routine that manipulates SCREEN pointers; all other routines affect only the current terminal.

Window and Pad Manipulation

wnoutrefresh (win)
These two routines allow multiple updates to the physical terminal screen with more efficiency than wrefresh() alone. How this is accomplished is described in the next paragraph.
curses keeps two data structures representing the terminal screen: a physical terminal screen, describing what is actually on the screen, and a virtual terminal screen, describing what the programmer wants to have on the screen. wrefresh() works by first calling wnoutrefresh(), which copies the named window to the virtual screen, and then by calling doupdate(), which compares the virtual screen to the physical screen and does the actual update. If the programmer wishes to output several windows at once, a series of calls to wrefresh() will result in alternating calls to wnoutrefresh() and doupdate(), causing several bursts of output to the screen. By first calling wnoutrefresh() for each window, it is then possible to call doupdate() once, resulting in only one burst of output, with probably fewer total characters transmitted and certainly less processor time used.
WINDOW *newpad (nlines, ncols)
Create and return a pointer to a new pad data structure with the given number of lines (or rows), nlines, and columns, ncols. A pad is a window that is not restricted by the screen size and is not necessarily associated with a particular part of the screen. Pads can be used when a large window is needed, and only a part of the window will be on the screen at one time. Automatic refreshes of pads (for example, from scrolling or echoing of input) do not occur. It is not legal to call wrefresh() with a pad as an argument; the routines prefresh() or pnoutrefresh() should be called instead. Note: these routines require additional parameters to specify the part of the pad to be displayed and the location on the screen to be used for display.
WINDOW *subpad (orig, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
Create and return a pointer to a subwindow within a pad with the given number of lines (or rows), nlines, and columns, ncols. Unlike subwin(), which uses screen coordinates, the window is at position (begin_y, begin_x) on the pad. The window is made in the middle of the window orig, so that changes made to one window will affect both windows. When using this routine, often it will be necessary to call touchwin() or touchline() on orig before calling prefresh().
prefresh (pad, pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol)
pnoutrefresh (pad, pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, smaxcol)
These routines are analogous to
wrefresh() and wnoutrefresh() except that pads, instead of windows, are involved. The additional parameters are needed to indicate what part of the pad and screen are involved. pminrow and pmincol specify the upper left corner, in the pad, of the rectangle to be displayed. sminrow, smincol, smaxrow, and smaxcol specify the edges, on the screen, of the rectangle to be displayed in. The lower right corner in the pad of the rectangle to be displayed is calculated from the screen coordinates, since the rectangles must be the same size. Both rectangles must be entirely contained within their respective structures. Negative values of pminrow, pmincol, sminrow, or smincol are treated as if they were zero.


These routines are used to ``draw'' text on windows.

echochar (ch)
wechochar (win, ch)
pechochar (pad, ch)
These routines are functionally equivalent to a call to addch (ch) followed by a call to refresh(), a call to waddch (win, ch) followed by a call to wrefresh (win), or a call to waddch (pad, ch) followed by a call to prefresh (pad). The knowledge that only a single character is being output is taken into consideration and, for non-control characters, a considerable performance gain can be seen by using these routines instead of their equivalents. In the case of pechochar(), the last location of the pad on the screen is reused for the arguments to prefresh().

Note: ch is actually of type chtype, not a character.

Note: echochar() is a macro.

attroff (attrs)
wattroff (win, attrs)
attron (attrs)
wattron (win, attrs)
attrset (attrs)
wattrset (win, attrs)
These routines are used to signal the terminal user. beep() will sound the audible alarm on the terminal, if possible, and if not, will flash the screen (visible bell), if that is possible. flash() will flash the screen, and if that is not possible, will sound the audible signal. If neither signal is possible, nothing will happen. Nearly all terminals have an audible signal (bell or beep) but only some can flash the screen.

delay_output (ms)
Insert a ms millisecond pause in the output. It is not recommended that this routine be used extensively, because padding characters are used rather than a processor pause.

getbegyx (win, y, x)
getmaxyx (win, y, x)
Like getyx(), these routines store the current beginning coordinates and size of the specified window.

Note: getbegyx() and getmaxyx() are macros.

copywin (srcwin, dstwin, sminrow, smincol, dminrow, dmincol, dmaxrow, dmaxcol, overlay)
This routine provides a finer grain of control over the overlay() and overwrite() routines. Like in the prefresh() routine, a rectangle is specified in the destination window, (dminrow, dmincol) and (dmaxrow, dmaxcol), and the upper-left-corner coordinates of the source window, (sminrow, smincol). If the argument overlay is true, then copying is non-destructive, as in overlay().

vwprintw (win, fmt, varglist)
This routine corresponds to vprintf.3v It performs a wprintw() using a variable argument list. The third argument is a va_list, a pointer to a list of arguments, as defined in <varargs.h>. See the vprintf.3v and varargs.3 manual pages for a detailed description on how to use variable argument lists.


Throws away any typeahead that has been typed by the user and has not yet been read by the program.
ungetch (c)
Place c back onto the input queue to be returned by the next call to wgetch().

vwscanw (win, fmt, ap)
This routine is similar to vwprintw() above in that performs a wscanw() using a variable argument list. The third argument is a va_list, a pointer to a list of arguments, as defined in <varargs.h>. See the vprintf.3v and varargs.3 manual pages for a detailed description on how to use variable argument lists.

Output Options Setting

These routines set options within curses that deal with output. All options are initially FALSE, unless otherwise stated. It is not necessary to turn these options off before calling endwin().

setscrreg (top, bot)
wsetscrreg (win, top, bot)
These routines allow the user to set a software scrolling region in a window. top and bot are the line numbers of the top and bottom margin of the scrolling region. Line 0 is the top line of the window. If this option and scrollok() are enabled, an attempt to move off the bottom margin line will cause all lines in the scrolling region to scroll up one line. Note: this has nothing to do with use of a physical scrolling region capability in the terminal, like that in the DEC VT100. Only the text of the window is scrolled; if idlok() is enabled and the terminal has either a scrolling region or ``insert/delete-line'' capability, they will probably be used by the output routines.

Note: setscrreg() and wsetscrreg() are macros.

Input Options Setting

These routines set options within curses that deal with input. The options involve using ioctl.2 and therefore interact with curses routines. It is not necessary to turn these options off before calling endwin().

For more information on these options, refer to [a manual with the abbreviation PUL].

halfdelay (tenths)
Half-delay mode is similar to CBREAK mode in that characters typed by the user are immediately available to the program. However, after blocking for tenths tenths of seconds, ERR will be returned if nothing has been typed. tenths must be a number between 1 and 255. Use nocbreak() to leave half-delay mode.
intrflush (win, bf)
If this option is enabled, when an interrupt key is pressed on the keyboard (interrupt, break, quit) all output in the tty driver queue will be flushed, giving the effect of faster response to the interrupt, but causing curses to have the wrong idea of what is on the screen. Disabling the option prevents the flush. The default for the option is inherited from the tty driver settings. The window argument is ignored.
keypad (win, bf)
This option enables the keypad of the user's terminal. If enabled, the user can press a function key (such as an arrow key) and wgetch() will return a single value representing the function key, as in KEY_LEFT. If disabled, curses will not treat function keys specially and the program would have to interpret the escape sequences itself. If the keypad in the terminal can be turned on (made to transmit) and off (made to work locally), turning on this option will cause the terminal keypad to be turned on when wgetch() is called.
meta (win, bf)
If enabled, characters returned by wgetch() are transmitted with all 8 bits, instead of with the highest bit stripped. In order for meta() to work correctly, the km (has_meta_key) capability has to be specified in the terminal's terminfo.5v entry.
nodelay (win, bf)
This option causes wgetch() to be a non-blocking call. If no input is ready, wgetch() will return ERR. If disabled, wgetch() will hang until a key is pressed.
notimeout (win, bf)
While interpreting an input escape sequence, wgetch() will set a timer while waiting for the next character. If notimeout (win, TRUE) is called, then wgetch() will not set a timer. The purpose of the timeout is to differentiate between sequences received from a function key and those typed by a user.

typeahead (fildes)
curses does ``line-breakout optimization'' by looking for typeahead periodically while updating the screen. If input is found, and it is coming from a tty, the current update will be postponed until refresh() or doupdate() is called again. This allows faster response to commands typed in advance. Normally, the file descriptor for the input FILE pointer passed to newterm(), or stdin in the case that initscr() was used, will be used to do this typeahead checking. The typeahead() routine specifies that the file descriptor fildes is to be used to check for typeahead instead. If fildes is -1, then no typeahead checking will be done.

Note: fildes is a file descriptor, not a <stdio.h> FILE pointer.

Environment Queries

True if the terminal has insert- and delete-character capabilities.
True if the terminal has insert- and delete-line capabilities, or can simulate them using scrolling regions. This might be used to check to see if it would be appropriate to turn on physical scrolling using scrollok().

Soft Labels

If desired, curses will manipulate the set of soft function-key labels that exist on many terminals. For those terminals that do not have soft labels, if you want to simulate them, curses will take over the bottom line of stdscr, reducing the size of stdscr and the variable LINES. curses standardizes on 8 labels of 8 characters each.

slk_init (labfmt)
In order to use soft labels, this routine must be called before initscr() or newterm() is called. If initscr() winds up using a line from stdscr to emulate the soft labels, then labfmt determines how the labels are arranged on the screen. Setting labfmt to 0 indicates that the labels are to be arranged in a 3-2-3 arrangement; 1 asks for a 4-4 arrangement.
slk_set (labnum, label, labfmt)
labnum is the label number, from 1 to 8. label is the string to be put on the label, up to 8 characters in length. A null string or a NULL pointer will put up a blank label. labfmt is one of 0, 1 or 2, to indicate whether the label is to be left-justified, centered, or right-justified within the label.

These routines correspond to the routines wrefresh() and wnoutrefresh(). Most applications would use slk_noutrefresh() because a wrefresh() will most likely soon follow.
char *slk_label (labnum)
The current label for label number labnum, with leading and trailing blanks stripped, is returned.
The soft labels are cleared from the screen.
The soft labels are restored to the screen after a slk_clear().
All of the soft labels are forced to be output the next time a slk_noutrefresh() is performed.

Low-Level curses Access

The following routines give low-level access to various curses functionality. These routines typically would be used inside of library routines.

Save the current terminal modes as the ``program'' (in curses) or ``shell'' (not in curses) state for use by the reset_prog_mode() and reset_shell_mode() routines. This is done automatically by initscr().

Restore the terminal to ``program'' (in curses) or ``shell'' (out of curses) state. These are done automatically by endwin() and doupdate() after an endwin(), so they normally would not be called.

getsyx (y, x)
The current coordinates of the virtual screen cursor are returned in y and x. Like getyx(), the variables y and x do not take an & before them. If leaveok() is currently TRUE, then -1, -1 will be returned. If lines may have been removed from the top of the screen using ripoffline() and the values are to be used beyond just passing them on to setsyx(), the value y+stdscr->_yoffset should be used for those other uses.

Note: getsyx() is a macro.

setsyx (y, x)
The virtual screen cursor is set to y, x. If y and x are both -1, then leaveok() will be set. The two routines getsyx() and setsyx() are designed to be used by a library routine that manipulates curses windows but does not want to mess up the current position of the program's cursor. The library routine would call getsyx() at the beginning, do its manipulation of its own windows, do a wnoutrefresh() on its windows, call setsyx(), and then call doupdate().
ripoffline (line, init)
This routine provides access to the same facility that slk_init() uses to reduce the size of the screen. ripoffline() must be called before initscr() or newterm() is called. If line is positive, a line will be removed from the top of stdscr; if negative, a line will be removed from the bottom. When this is done inside initscr(), the routine init is called with two arguments: a window pointer to the 1-line window that has been allocated and an integer with the number of columns in the window. Inside this initialization routine, the integer variables LINES and COLS (defined in <curses.h>) are not guaranteed to be accurate and wrefresh() or doupdate() must not be called. It is allowable to call wnoutrefresh() during the initialization routine.

ripoffline() can be called up to five times before calling initscr() or newterm().

scr_dump (filename)
The current contents of the virtual screen are written to the file filename.
scr_restore (filename)
The virtual screen is set to the contents of filename, which must have been written using scr_dump(). The next call to doupdate() will restore the screen to what it looked like in the dump file.
scr_init (filename)
The contents of filename are read in and used to initialize the curses data structures about what the terminal currently has on its screen. If the data is determined to be valid, curses will base its next update of the screen on this information rather than clearing the screen and starting from scratch. scr_init() would be used after initscr() or a system.3 call to share the screen with another process that has done a scr_dump() after its endwin() call. The data will be declared invalid if the time-stamp of the tty is old or the terminfo.5v capability nrrmc is true.
curs_set (visibility)
The cursor is set to invisible, normal, or very visible for visibility equal to 0, 1 or 2.
draino (ms)
Wait until the output has drained enough that it will only take ms more milliseconds to drain completely.
garbagedlines (win, begline, numlines)
This routine indicates to curses that a screen line is garbaged and should be thrown away before having anything written over the top of it. It could be used for programs such as editors that want a command to redraw just a single line. Such a command could be used in cases where there is a noisy communications line and redrawing the entire screen would be subject to even more communication noise. Just redrawing the single line gives some semblance of hope that it would show up unblemished. The current location of the window is used to determine which lines are to be redrawn.
napms (ms)
Sleep for ms milliseconds.

Terminfo-Level Manipulations

These low-level routines must be called by programs that need to deal directly with the terminfo.5v database to handle certain terminal capabilities, such as programming function keys. For all other functionality, curses routines are more suitable and their use is recommended.

Initially, setupterm() should be called. Note: setupterm() is automatically called by initscr() and newterm(). This will define the set of terminal-dependent variables defined in the terminfo.5v database. The terminfo.5v variables lines and columns (see terminfo.5v are initialized by setupterm() as follows: if the environment variables LINES and COLUMNS exist, their values are used. If the above environment variables do not exist, and the window sizes in rows and columns as returned by the TIOCGWINSZ ioctl are non-zero, those sizes are used. Otherwise, the values for lines and columns specified in the terminfo.5v database are used.

The header files <curses.h> and <term.h> should be included, in this order, to get the definitions for these strings, numbers, and flags. Parameterized strings should be passed through tparm() to instantiate them. All terminfo.5v strings (including the output of tparm() should be printed with tputs() or putp(). Before exiting, reset_shell_mode() should be called to restore the tty modes. Programs that use cursor addressing should output enter_ca_mode upon startup and should output exit_ca_mode before exiting (see terminfo.5v Programs desiring shell escapes should call reset_shell_mode() and output exit_ca_mode before the shell is called and should output enter_ca_mode and call reset_prog_mode() after returning from the shell. Note: this is different from the curses routines (see endwin()).

setupterm (term, fildes, errret)
Reads in the terminfo.5v database, initializing the terminfo.5v structures, but does not set up the output virtualization structures used by curses. The terminal type is in the character string term; if term is NULL, the environment variable TERM will be used. All output is to the file descriptor fildes. If errret is not NULL, then setupterm() will return OK or ERR and store a status value in the integer pointed to by errret. A status of 1 in errret is normal, 0 means that the terminal could not be found, and -1 means that the terminfo.5v database could not be found. If errret is NULL, setupterm() will print an error message upon finding an error and exit. Thus, the simplest call is `setupterm ((char *)0, 1, (int *)0)', which uses all the defaults.

The terminfo.5v boolean, numeric and string variables are stored in a structure of type TERMINAL. After setupterm() returns successfully, the variable cur_term (of type TERMINAL *) is initialized with all of the information that the terminfo.5v boolean, numeric and string variables refer to. The pointer may be saved before calling setupterm() again. Further calls to setupterm() will allocate new space rather than reuse the space pointed to by cur_term.

set_curterm (nterm)
nterm is of type TERMINAL * . set_curterm() sets the variable cur_term to nterm, and makes all of the terminfo.5v boolean, numeric and string variables use the values from nterm.
del_curterm (oterm)
oterm is of type TERMINAL *. del_curterm() frees the space pointed to by oterm and makes it available for further use. If oterm is the same as cur_term, then references to any of the terminfo.5v boolean, numeric and string variables thereafter may refer to invalid memory locations until another setupterm() has been called.
restartterm (term, fildes, errret)
Like setupterm() after a memory restore.
char *tparm (str, p, p, ..., p)
Instantiate the string str with parms pi. A pointer is returned to the result of str with the parameters applied.
tputs (str, count, putc)
Apply padding to the string str and output it. str must be a terminfo.5v string variable or the return value from tparm(), tgetstr(), tigetstr() or tgoto(). count is the number of lines affected, or 1 if not applicable. putchar() is a putc.3s routine to which the characters are passed, one at a time.
putp (str)
A routine that calls tputs() (str, 1, putc(3s).
vidputs (attrs, putc)
Output a string that puts the terminal in the video attribute mode attrs, which is any combination of the attributes listed below. The characters are passed to the putc.3s routine putc.3s
vidattr (attrs)
Like vidputs(), except that it outputs through putc.3s
tigetflag (capname)
The value -1 is returned if capname is not a boolean capability.
tigetnum (capname)
The value -2 is returned if capname is not a numeric capability.
tigetstr (capname)
The value (char *) -1 is returned if capname is not a string capability.

Termcap Emulation

These routines are included as a conversion aid for programs that use the termcap.3x library. Their parameters are the same and the routines are emulated using the terminfo.5v database.

tgetent (bp, name)
Look up termcap entry for name. The emulation ignores the buffer pointer bp.
tgetflag (codename)
Get the boolean entry for codename.
tgetnum (codes)
Get numeric entry for codename.
char *tgetstr (codename, area)
Return the string entry for codename. If area is not NULL, then also store it in the buffer pointed to by area and advance area. tputs() should be used to output the returned string.
char *tgoto (cap, col, row)
Instantiate the parameters into the given capability. The output from this routine is to be passed to tputs().
tputs (str, affcnt, putc)
See tputs() above, under Terminfo-Level Manipulations.


char *keyname (c)
A character string corresponding to the key c is returned.
This routine is one of the few that is to be called before initscr() or newterm() is called. It arranges things so that curses thinks that there is a 1-line screen. curses will not use any terminal capabilities that assume that they know what line on the screen the cursor is on.

Use of curscr

The special window curscr can be used in only a few routines. If the window argument to clearok() is curscr, the next call to wrefresh() with any window will cause the screen to be cleared and repainted from scratch. If the window argument to wrefresh() is curscr, the screen is immediately cleared and repainted from scratch. This is how most programs would implement a ``repaint-screen'' routine. The source window argument to overlay(), overwrite(), and copywin may be curscr, in which case the current contents of the virtual terminal screen will be accessed.

Obsolete Calls

Various routines are provided to maintain compatibility in programs written for older versions of the curses library. These routines are all emulated as indicated below.

Replaced by cbreak().
Replaced by reset_prog_mode().
Replaced by nocbreak().
Replaced by reset_shell_mode().
Replaced by def_prog_mode().
Replaced by setupterm().


The following video attributes, defined in <curses.h>, can be passed to the routines attron(), attroff(), and attrset(), or OR'ed with the characters passed to addch().

A_STANDOUT     Terminal's best highlighting mode
A_UNDERLINE    Underlining
A_REVERSE      Reverse video
A_BLINK        Blinking
A_DIM          Half bright
A_BOLD         Extra bright or bold
A_ALTCHARSET   Alternate character set
A_CHARTEXT     Bit-mask to extract character (described under winch)
A_ATTRIBUTES   Bit-mask to extract attributes (described under winch)
A_NORMAL       Bit mask to reset all attributes off
               (for example:  `attrset (A_NORMAL)'


The following function keys, defined in <curses.h>, might be returned by getch() if keypad() has been enabled. Note: not all of these may be supported on a particular terminal if the terminal does not transmit a unique code when the key is pressed or the definition for the key is not present in the terminfo.5v database.

Name            Value          Key name
KEY_BREAK       0401           break key (unreliable)
KEY_DOWN        0402           The four arrow keys ...
KEY_UP          0403
KEY_LEFT        0404
KEY_RIGHT       0405           ...
KEY_HOME        0406           Home key (upward+left arrow)
KEY_BACKSPACE   0407           backspace (unreliable)
KEY_F0          0410           Function keys.  Space for 64 keys is reserved.
KEY_F(n)        (KEY_F0+(n))   Formula for fn.
KEY_DL          0510           Delete line
KEY_IL          0511           Insert line
KEY_DC          0512           Delete character
KEY_IC          0513           Insert char or enter insert mode
KEY_EIC         0514           Exit insert char mode
KEY_CLEAR       0515           Clear screen
KEY_EOS         0516           Clear to end of screen
KEY_EOL         0517           Clear to end of line
KEY_SF          0520           Scroll 1 line forward
KEY_SR          0521           Scroll 1 line backwards (reverse)
KEY_NPAGE       0522           Next page
KEY_PPAGE       0523           Previous page
KEY_STAB        0524           Set TAB
KEY_CTAB        0525           Clear TAB
KEY_CATAB       0526           Clear all TAB characters
KEY_ENTER       0527           Enter or send
KEY_SRESET      0530           soft (partial) reset
KEY_RESET       0531           reset or hard reset
KEY_PRINT       0532           print or copy
KEY_LL          0533           home down or bottom (lower left)
                               keypad is arranged like this:
                                 A1    up     A3
                                 left  B2     right
                                 C1    down   C3
KEY_A1          0534           Upper left of keypad
KEY_A3          0535           Upper right of keypad
KEY_B2          0536           Center of keypad
KEY_C1          0537           Lower left of keypad
KEY_C3          0540           Lower right of keypad
KEY_BTAB        0541           Back TAB key
KEY_BEG         0542           beg(inning) key
KEY_CANCEL      0543           cancel key
KEY_CLOSE       0544           close key
KEY_COMMAND     0545           cmd (command) key
KEY_COPY        0546           copy key
KEY_CREATE      0547           create key
KEY_END         0550           end key
KEY_EXIT        0551           exit key
KEY_FIND        0552           find key
KEY_HELP        0553           help key
KEY_MARK        0554           mark key
KEY_MESSAGE     0555           message key
KEY_MOVE        0556           move key
KEY_NEXT        0557           next object key
KEY_OPEN        0560           open key
KEY_OPTIONS     0561           options key
KEY_PREVIOUS    0562           previous object key
KEY_REDO        0563           redo key
KEY_REFERENCE   0564           ref(erence) key
KEY_REFRESH     0565           refresh key
KEY_REPLACE     0566           replace key
KEY_RESTART     0567           restart key
KEY_RESUME      0570           resume key
KEY_SAVE        0571           save key
KEY_SBEG        0572           shifted beginning key
KEY_SCANCEL     0573           shifted cancel key
KEY_SCOMMAND    0574           shifted command key
KEY_SCOPY       0575           shifted copy key
KEY_SCREATE     0576           shifted create key
KEY_SDC         0577           shifted delete char key
KEY_SDL         0600           shifted delete line key
KEY_SELECT      0601           select key
KEY_SEND        0602           shifted end key
KEY_SEOL        0603           shifted clear line key
KEY_SEXIT       0604           shifted exit key
KEY_SFIND       0605           shifted find key
KEY_SHELP       0606           shifted help key
KEY_SHOME       0607           shifted home key
KEY_SIC         0610           shifted input key
KEY_SLEFT       0611           shifted left arrow key
KEY_SMESSAGE    0612           shifted message key
KEY_SMOVE       0613           shifted move key
KEY_SNEXT       0614           shifted next key
KEY_SOPTIONS    0615           shifted options key
KEY_SPREVIOUS   0616           shifted prev key
KEY_SPRINT      0617           shifted print key
KEY_SREDO       0620           shifted redo key
KEY_SREPLACE    0621           shifted replace key
KEY_SRIGHT      0622           shifted right arrow
KEY_SRSUME      0623           shifted resume key
KEY_SSAVE       0624           shifted save key
KEY_SSUSPEND    0625           shifted suspend key
KEY_SUNDO       0626           shifted undo key
KEY_SUSPEND     0627           suspend key
KEY_UNDO        0630           undo key


The following variables may be used to add line-drawing characters to the screen with waddce. When defined for the terminal, the variable will have the A_ALTCHARSET bit turned on. Otherwise, the default character listed below will be stored in the variable. The names were chosen to be consistent with the DEC VT100 nomenclature.

Name           Default   Glyph Description
ACS_ULCORNER      +      upper left corner
ACS_LLCORNER      +      lower left corner
ACS_URCORNER      +      upper right corner
ACS_LRCORNER      +      lower right corner
ACS_RTEE          +      right tee (-|)
ACS_LTEE          +      left tee (|-)
ACS_BTEE          +      bottom tee (_|)
ACS_TTEE          +      top tee (|)
ACS_HLINE         -      horizontal line
ACS_VLINE         |      vertical line
ACS_PLUS          +      plus
ACS_S1            -      scan line 1
ACS_S9            _      scan line 9
ACS_DIAMOND       +      diamond
ACS_CKBOARD       :      checker board (stipple)
ACS_DEGREE        '      degree symbol
ACS_PLMINUS       #      plus/minus
ACS_BULLET        o      bullet
ACS_LARROW        <      arrow pointing left
ACS_RARROW        >      arrow pointing right
ACS_DARROW        v      arrow pointing down
ACS_UARROW        ^      arrow pointing up
ACS_BOARD         #      board of squares
ACS_LANTERN       #      lantern symbol
ACS_BLOCK         #      solid square block


Unless otherwise noted in the preceding routine descriptions, all routines return:

on success.
on failure.


All macros return the value of their w version, except setscrreg(), wsetscrreg(), getsyx(), getyx(), getbegy(), getmaxyx(), which return no useful value.

Routines that return pointers always return (type *) NULL on failure.






cc.1v ld.1 ioctl.2 getenv.3v plot.3x printf.3v putc.3s scanf.3v stdio.3v system.3 varargs.3 vprintf.3v termio.4 tty.4 term(5V), termcap.5 terminfo.5v tic.8v


The plotting library plot.3x and the curses library curses.3v both use the names erase() and move(). The curses versions are macros. If you need both libraries, put the plot.3x code in a different source file than the curses.3v code, and/or `#undef move' and `#undef erase' in the plot.3x code.

Between the time a call to initscr() and endwin() has been issued, use only the routines in the curses library to generate output. Using system calls or the ``standard I/O package'' (see stdio.3v for output during that time can cause unpredictable results.

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Created by unroff & hp-tools. © somebody (See intro for details). All Rights Reserved. Last modified 11/5/97